The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 03.31.16

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM EBL: Relying On Feminist Witches To Save Us – What Could Go Wrong? Maggie’s Notebook: Amy Schumer, Our Sons, And Margaret Thatcher Da Tech Guy: A Lesson From Animal House Confirms Stacy McCain The Political Hat: Male Privilege – Undercut By School, Undercut By Violent Stereotypes, Undercut At […]

Nintendo Fires @AlisonRapp, Who Hates #GamerGate and Supports Pedophiles

  Last month, I wrote this: Irony much? @AlisonRapp is an advocate of perversion who hates #GamerGate. She is an enthusiastic promoter of Japanese anime videogames that have been criticized as fantasy fodder for pedophiles and, in fact, Ms. Rapp has denounced as “censorship” the criminalization of child pornography. Twisted freaks like Ms. Rapp are welcome […]

Morning-After Death Pills

  Did you know that abortion drugs — Mifeprex or Mifepristone, originally known or RU486, a/k/a “the morning-after pill” — can kill you? Dozens of women have reportedly died as a result of complications from using Mifepristone, but this is a minor “side effect” compared to destroying the lives of some 2 million unborn children, […]

In The Mailbox: 03.29.2016

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM EBL: Walker Endorses Cruz The Political Hat: Feminists Will Save Society With The Power Of Witchcraft Michelle Malkin: Obama Throws His Drool-Bucket Media Pals Under The Bus Twitchy: Hillary Clinton Waxes Biblical At Anti-Gun Forum; Pivots To Alleged Police Brutality Shark Tank: Secret Service Says NO Guns Inside […]

Amy Schumer Will Tell You What to Think (And You Must Comply)

  What can I say about @AmySchumer? Only what I have said so often before: Feminism Is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization as We Know It, and the kind of “humor” that emerges from a totalitarian death cult is Amy Schumer’s stock in trade. She is the 21st-century heiress to the caustic legacy of Roseanne […]

Rule 5 Tuesday: All Easter Sweets 75% Off

— compiled by Wombat-socho Better late than never, eh? As usual, many of the following links are to pics of attractive women attractively (un)dressed. Since these are generally considered NSFW, the management is not responsible for any problems caused by your failure to exercise discretion. This week’s appetizer is from one of the classic Brown […]

Gender Theory, Gender Practice

  “Human nature cannot be eradicated by ideology,” as I explain in my book Sex Trouble. The stubborn reality of human nature is likely to produce results that are unexpected by those who are attempting to turn feminist gender theory — the social construction of the gender binary within the heterosexual matrix — into public policy. Controversy over a […]

Her Husband ‘Seemed Sensitive, Kind, Intelligent, Liberal, and Feminist . . .’

Oh, that was a very bad omen, really. It is difficult for me to imagine what a “feminist” husband would be, considering that for more than four decades, feminists have argued against marriage, per se. Exactly why would a feminist want a husband? This is the great riddle. Fish don’t need bicycles and feminists don’t […]

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