The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

More Scenes from a Wedding

We were dining on barbecue beef brisket Sunday beneath the shade trees at Ole Gilliam Mill near Sanford, N.C., when Cassie asked, “When are you going to dance?” Cassie is a friend of my son Bob, and also of his twin brother Jim and Jim’s wife Danielle. Cassie remembered how I danced at Jim’s wedding […]

Rule 5 Monday: Utes Of America

— compiled by Wombat-socho One would think that the most prestigious university in the state of Utah, Brigham Young University, would be located in the most notable city of that state, Salt Lake City, but one would be incorrect. The local college in Salt Lake City is the University of Utah, whose teams are named […]

In The Mailbox: 06.27.16

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM Louder With Crowder: Crowder Vs. Sky News On Guns, Hilarity Ensues Ninety Miles From Tyranny: IG Blames Obama Immigration Policy For Illegal’s Murder Of Connecticut Woman EBL: Can Trump Do This? Michelle Malkin: Where The Hell Is The Orlando Jihadist’s Missing Wife? Twitchy: Ben Shapiro Reminds Hillary What […]

Scenes from a Wedding

SANFORD, N.C. As promised earlier, here are a few photos from Sunday’s wedding of my son Bob and his lovely bride, taken by my brother Kirby McCain. Here comes the bride! The bride is escorted down the aisle by her parents. Our two daughters-in-law with our two daughters. Mrs. McCain, Bob and his bride, me. […]

‘By Any Means Necessary’

The radical left hates the First Amendment and loves violence: At least five people were stabbed in a statehouse skirmish [Sunday in Sacramento] between members of the white-nationalist Traditionalist Workers Party (TWP) and “anti-fascist” activists from a group called By Any Means Necessary (BAMN). The white-power group had gotten a permit and was demonstrating in front of the California […]

FMJRA 2.0: Day Late And A Dollar Short, Salt Lake City Edition

— compiled by Wombat-socho So there I was in the Motel 6 near Salt Lake City International with a fully functional laptop…and no wifi. Welp. God and Man at #Skepticon: Atheist @RichardCCarrier Gets Banned Stately McDaniel Manor Living in Anglo-America Rotten Chestnuts AWD Bookworm Room The DaleyGator Watcher of Weasels Batshit Crazy News Rule 5 […]

Women’s Violence Against Women

We must stop violence against women: A Georgia mom allegedly shot and killed her estranged daughter-in-law after her son accused his wife of having an affair with a high school sweetheart, court records showed. Elizabeth Wall, 63, was charged with murder Thursday after she fatally shot 35-year-old Jenna Wall, a beloved Cobb County kindergarten teacher […]

Feminists Win as Australian Man Pleads Guilty in Facebook Harassment Case

  Zane Alchin, 25, may go to prison for making rape jokes on Facebook. The Australian man pleaded guilty Monday to “using a carrier service to menace, harass, or cause offence” in a case that began with a hiphop lyric. It started last August when a 23-year-old Sydney woman, Olivia Melville, signed up for the […]

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