The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: All Saints’ Eve

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM Proof Positive: In Fact, It Was Her Idea! EBL: CNN Fires Donna Brazile For Leaking To Crooked Hillary Twitchy: Moment Of Truth – Hillary Tweets That She’s One Of The Most Corrupt Candidates Of All Time Louder With Crowder: IT BEGINS – Chicago Tribune Calls On Hillary To […]

Liberals and Their Nightmare Fantasies

  Every four years, the Republican Party choose a man to be labeled the next Hitler by liberals. Having been born during the presidency of Eisenhower (who opposed Communism and was therefore Hitler, in the liberal imagination) and having lived through the presidencies of five other Republican presidents, I can tell you that at least […]

‘Heteropatriarchy’ as a Dye Marker: Feminism as Lesbian Supremacy

  If you are in a hurry, and don’t have time to read what I’m about to explain, do yourself a favor: Go to Twitter and search for the word “heteropatriarchy.” This word did not exist 30 years ago, and I will explain its origins and significance, but just scroll down through those Twitter search […]

Rule 5 Sunday: Wonder Girls And Indians

— compiled by Wombat-socho This weekend, the World Series has two teams that haven’t won it all for a total of 156 years: the Cubs since 1908, and the Indians since 1948, when the team was owned by legendary baseball promoter Bill Veeck, whose autobiography Veeck As In Wreck ought to be required reading for […]


  Bad news today for “Crooked Hillary”: Donald Trump has surged to within 1 point of Hillary Clinton in a national poll released Sunday morning. Clinton leads Trump, 46 to 45 percent, in a four-way race including Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson and the Green Party’s Jill Stein in the latest ABC News/Washington Post tracking poll. […]

Feminism and the Cult of the True Self

“The stigma around STDs normally makes people think of cheaters, liars, teenagers who don’t know any better, and other various ‘dirty’ things when they think of sexually transmitted diseases. But there’s a new name circulating in the news lately who’s trying to battle this stigma: Ella Dawson.” — Torii Johnson, April 30, 2015 Once upon […]

FMJRA 2.0: Go Tribe!

— compiled by Wombat-socho Rule 5 Tuesday Animal Magnetism Ninety Miles From Tyranny A View from the Beach EBL@RedState Proof Positive Teaching Intolerance: How Columbia University Feminists Suppress Dissent The New Americana InversionSuicide Regular Right Guy EBL@RedState FMJRA 2.0: Station To Station The Pirate’s Cove A View from the Beach EBL@RedState Welcome to 2016: ‘When […]

Suggestion For What To Do With Hillary

by Smitty When you’re on active duty in the military, much hay is made about the concept of a “lawful order”. You’re to obey all orders, per General Order Number 6. While you retain the absolute right of self defense, you also had better not violate International Law (e.g. Geneva Conventions), Civil Law, or engage […]

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