The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Donald Trump Will Be Our President, Because @Madeleine_Rae Is Crazy

“If you’re a woman in today’s job market, it can be hard to find work. That’s why I recommend you ‘lean in’ — to the arms of a dying rich man.” — Madeleine Davies, March 19, 2015 Madeleine Davies (@Madeleine_Rae on Twitter) is insane and a feminist, but I repeat myself. She graduated from the […]

FMJRA 2.0: Grand Finale

— compiled by Wombat-socho Happy New Year! Rule 5 Monday: Boxing Day Edition Animal Magnetism Ninety Miles From Tyranny A View From The Beach Proof Positive EBL Having a Merry Trump Christmas, Because @Jillboard Hates Jesus The Pirate’s Cove EBL FMJRA 2.0: Christmas Eve Edition The Pirate’s Cove A View From The Beach EBL Heed […]

In The Mailbox: 12.30.16

— compiled by Wombat-socho Just a reminder: deadline to submit links for the FMJRA is noon on Saturday, and the deadline for Rule 5 Sunday is midnight, ditto. Thanks in advance for your links and support! OVER THE TRANSOM Proof Positive: Proud Obama’s Legacy EBL: Chick-Fil-A Peach Bowl – Can #4 Washington Beat #1 Alabama? […]

They Have a ‘Right’ to Your Money

Did you ever wonder why the “healthcare crisis” became such an issue? Why did Democrats ram ObamaCare through Congress with Nancy Pelosi claiming, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it”? Most people already had health insurance, and Obama dishonestly promised, “If you like your plan, you […]

Did Queer Feminist @TheHeatherHogan Just Compare Lesbians to the ‘Alt-Right’?

  Heather Hogan is a senior editor at Autostraddle, a lesbian feminist blog that publishes anti-male/anti-heterosexual hate propaganda from such writers as Carmen Rios, while also offering helpful advice about dildos and celebrating “International Fisting Day.” Anyway . . . For the past few years, there has been an ongoing battle within the online LGBT […]

Agreeing With Noam Chomsky?

The Politically Incorrect Australian has this quote: “Mass public education was introduced in the United States in the nineteenth century as a way of training the largely rural workforce here for industry — in fact, the general population in the United States largely was opposed to public education, because it meant taking kids off the […]

In The Mailbox: 12.29.16

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM EBL: Man-Baby Obama Throws Another Fit Before Leaving Office Twitchy: Shannon Watts Puts Bass Pro Shops In Her Crosshairs Louder With Crowder: Boy Scouts Reject Transgender “Boy”, LGBT Activists Lose Their Minds RIPPED FROM THE HEADLINES Adam Piggott: Mike Cernovich Shows How Not To Handle A Disgruntled Employee […]

Anti-Semitism Ruins Everything

One of the weird effects of the recent election is how the Left has tried to taint Donald Trump’s supporters as anti-Semites when, during the presidency of George W. Bush, the Left deliberately exploited anti-Semitism by portraying Republicans as beholden to “neoconservatives” (nudge, nudge) and “international bankers” (wink, wink). Because most accusations of “anti-Semitism” are […]

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