The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Ode to Harvey

Posted on | October 12, 2017 | Comments Off on Ode to Harvey

by Smitty

Harvey “Albert” Weinstein
A “Moral Relativity” Theory held:
Our universe could stay so fine,
As long as he rosy smelled.

Yet gravity his hubris sucked.
Cash could no longer “unsee” it.
From his lofty height it plucked.
To Europe he was forced to flee it.

He’s a Unified Frackhead Theory
Of hypocrisy, power, and evil;
Corrupt, false, and leery:
A blight upon honest people.

Such ugliness, it’s true and sad,
Is Manhattan’s Project Finest.
New York values their time have had,
And Harvey’s the Weinsteinest.

Now begone, Harvey the Wrong,
Pimple on America’s cheek.
To Democrats, an atomic bomb.
May another drop next week.


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