The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Education or Indoctrination?

Posted on | April 1, 2018 | Comments Off on Education or Indoctrination?

“There have been many examples in history of rich and powerful states which have been corrupted from within, enfeebled and deceived until they were unable to resist aggression.”
Sen. Joseph McCarthy, June 14, 1951

Diana West is the author of American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character, and a student of Cold War history. Friday on Twitter, she called attention to this passage from Chapter 10 of Louis Budenz’s 1954 book The Techniques of Communism:

As early as 1924, in lectures delivered at the Sverdlov University in Moscow, Stalin specified “cultural and educational organizations” as valuable allies in the Communist battle for world dictatorship. These Stalin lectures are now the famous Foundations of Leninism, published and studied widely by the Communists. It was in 1933, however, that extensive infiltration began in the schools and colleges of this country — encouraged by American recognition of Soviet Russia, and stimulated by the Open Letter to the Party. The Trojan horse policy of the People’s Front, which had been initiated at the Seventh World Congress of the Communist International in 1935, gave added impetus to this activity. By May, 1937, the conspiracy considered that enough progress had been made in the schools and colleges to justify a special article of directives in that month’s issue of The Communist, then the official theoretical organ of the Party. This article, “The Schools and the People’s Front,” laid it down as a necessity that “Marxist-Leninist analysis must be injected into every class.” In order that this might be accomplished successfully, “the Party must take careful steps to see that all teacher comrades are given thorough education in the teachings of Marxism-Leninism.” It was stressed that “Communist teachers are faced with a tremendous social responsibility.” They must affect the children’s thinking, and they must mobilize other teachers. But all of this was to be done from the work in the classroom to the agitation among other teachers — “without exposing themselves.”

The article cited by Budenz was written by by Richard Frank of the Young Communist League, and is available online in PDF (though incorrectly dated to 1957). It is important to note Budenz’s authority in describing Communist methods. In 1935, Budenz joined the Communist Party USA and subsequently became managing editor of The Daily Worker. In 1945, however, he left the party and became an anti-Communist. What he said about the CPUSA’s strategy of subverting public education was based on direct knowledge gained during a decade as a party insider.

Why does this matter? Well, start by asking yourself this: Why have you never heard of Louis Budenz before? Why haven’t you read his book? Why is the testimony of other ex-Communists — e.g., Elizabeth Bentley — never mentioned in the history textbooks assigned in public schools? If there was a Communist conspiracy to control our public education system, isn’t this exactly the kind of knowledge they would suppress?

Under the control of the Left, our public education system produces mass murderers like Nikolas Cruz and fanatics like David Hogg.

Gosh, it’s almost as if it’s the result of “a conspiracy on a scale so immense as to dwarf any previous such venture in the history of man.”



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