The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

It’s a Gas, Gas, Gas!

Posted on | May 18, 2018 | Comments Off on It’s a Gas, Gas, Gas!

The lyrics of the Rolling Stones’ hit “Jumping Jack Flash” were used as the code name for a domestic political espionage operation:

Wall Street Journal reporter Kim Strassel shared some stunning analysis of her bombshell report detailing how the Obama administration weaponized the FBI and CIA to rig the 2016 election for Hillary Clinton by planting a spy inside the 2016 Trump campaign and illegally surveilling his aides.
Anonymous former operatives of the Obama FBI confirmed Strassel’s reporting to the New York Times, where they revealed that the covert operation to spy on Donald Trump when he was a private citizen was called “Crossfire Hurricane.”
In a tweetstorm, Strassel discussed how the leakers who had spied on the Trump campaign are using the New York Times to push their own narrative before the Inspector General releases his own findings, which will undoubtedly be damning.
Strassel pointed out that the New York Times downplays the illegal spying activity of the Obama FBI to “fix” a U.S. election. Keep in mind that the liberal media — especially the NYTimes and CNN — brutally mocked President Trump when he insisted that the Obama administration had spied on him.
“[The New York Times] makes it out like it isn’t a big deal,” Strassel tweeted. “It is a very big deal.”
It turns out that not only was Trump correct in his assessment, but the illegal and unethical surveillance by the Obama FBI and CIA were far worse than anyone had ever suspected.

Yeah, Trump was ridiculed as paranoid for claiming that the Obama administration had spied on his campaign, and now that he’s been proven right, the anti-Trump media are pretending that this revelation is inconsequential. But of course, they’re in the “fake news” business.

(Hat-tip: Kirby McCain on Twitter.)



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