The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘The Climate Industrial Complex’

Posted on | May 19, 2018 | 1 Comment

Left to right: Tom Steyer, John Podesta, George Soros.

Billionaires like Tom Steyer are funding organizations like John Podesta’s Center for American Progress which use their influence to silence opposition to the radical environmental agenda:

Blue-collar workers and other traditional Democratic constituencies are the biggest losers from the green policies peddled by Podesta and funded by Steyer and the the billionaires and progressive foundations who finance the Climate Industrial Complex. To make up for this democratic deficit, big ticket donors ensure their dollars are bundled out through often secretive intermediaries such as the Environmental Grantmakers Association to finance phony grassroots campaigns. Purportedly spontaneous climate activism turns out to be centrally financed. Research by Canadian journalist Vivian Krause revealed that what Bill McKibben describes as his “scruffy little” outfit had been bankrolled by the Rockefeller Family Fund and a handful of other large foundations.
Krause also found that a separate Rockefeller fund has been financing anti-pipeline activism in Canada, kick starting the effort with a donation to the San Francisco-based Tides Foundation to launch the Tar Sands Campaign. Between 2009 and 2015, Tides made more than 400 payments to nearly 100 anti-pipeline groups. . . .
The Climate Industrial Complex’s biggest political challenge is squaring its de-industrialization agenda with what used to constitute the backbone of the Democratic coalition. The Blue-Green Alliance was set up to anesthetize pain from the green squeeze on well paid blue-collar jobs and desensitise the labor movement to the enormous subsidies going to China’s solar industry. But its phoniness was blown open when it opposed the Keystone XL project.
“We’re repulsed by some of our supposed brothers and sisters lining up with job killers like the Sierra Club and the Natural Resources Defense Council to destroy the lives of working men and women,” stormed Richard Trumka, president of the Laborers’ International Union of North America.

The environmental agenda is about destroying the American economy. Believe it or not, there are people who profit from such destruction, and who delight in putting Americans out of work. Remember when Hillary Clinton bragged that she would abolish the jobs of coal miners? In that notorious gaffe, Clinton said “clean renewable energy” was the “key” to her economic agenda. Want to guess who’s invested in such projects? Could these investors include Tom Steyer and George Soros? Yeah, I think so. The billionaires who insist we must shut down existing energy industries — opposing not only coal mining but also oil drilling and petroleum pipelines — made money when the Obama administration wasted taxpayer dollars on “green energy” boondoggles and used federal regulatory power to punish competing industries.

Well, Obama’s gone, Hillary lost and now Trump’s in charge and, do you want to guess who’s leading the “impeach Trump” bandwagon? Yeah, that would be the Democrat billionaire Tom Steyer.

(Hat-tip: Kirby McCain on Twitter.)



One Response to “‘The Climate Industrial Complex’”

  1. FMJRA 2.0: Before They Make Me Run : The Other McCain
    May 26th, 2018 @ 11:09 pm

    […] ‘The Climate Industrial Complex’ EBL […]

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