The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Fake Hate, Fake Victim

Posted on | September 19, 2018 | Comments Off on Fake Hate, Fake Victim


Fictitious crimes by imaginary racists:

A New York woman has been arrested after police say she made up a story claiming to be the victim of a hate crime.
Adwoa Lewis gave detectives a written statement on Friday, in which she said she was driving home in Long Island September 2 when four teens confronted her.
She claimed they yelled ‘Trump 2016!’ before telling the black 19-year-old she ‘didn’t belong here’.
Lewis said the following morning she found her tires had been slashed and there was a note that read ‘Go home’ on her car, which was parked in front of her home in Baldwin.
After an ‘extensive investigation’, Nassau County police determined there hadn’t actually been any confrontation between Lewis and the teens.
She later admitted to having written the note herself.
Lewis has been charged with making a false punishable written statement and was released on an appearance ticket, police said Saturday.
She is expected to appear in court on September 24.

The good news is, racism is so rare that the fear can only be maintained by inventing make-believe hate crimes. The bad news is, the would-be victims are suffering from delusions of persecution, probably caused by watching too much MSNBC.



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