The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Thank God for Liberals

Posted on | November 22, 2018 | Comments Off on Thank God for Liberals


If it weren’t for liberals, we might enjoy our turkey in peace:

Around this time every year, coastal media trot out a series of articles “preparing” a very particular set of readers for encounters with opinions unlike their own, which says more about them than the subject of their writing, but anyway…
This year is no different, except for the fact that their attempts to normalize contentious Thanksgiving Dinner conversation are far less veiled than years past. Once upon a time, there was at least a pretense of impartiality. But this is 2018 and everything with which they disagree is abhorrent and at the very least, racist.

Like the Pilgrims, liberals are convinced of their own moral superiority. The rest of us are ignorant savages, in need of enlightenment.

Here’s the thing, though: No actual effort is necessary for the liberal to feel superior to others. All he has to do is to espouse the appropriate belief — and vote Democrat — and he’s better than you. This is why liberalism tends to flourish in fields like academia, journalism and show business, where everything is about words and ideas. Also, liberalism is common among atheists, for whom it functions as a substitute for religion, and is rare among Christians. If you think of yourself as dependent upon God’s grace, you’re not a liberal because (a) liberalism is a godless creed, and (b) the liberal believes everyone is, or should be, dependent on the federal government. Their grim atheist belief system makes liberals humorless and hateful:

Student groups at the University of Oregon are hosting an event on Tuesday to “decolonize” Thanksgiving.
The UO’s Native American Law Students Association and the Native American Student Union are hosting an event, titled, “Thanks But No Thanks-giving: Decolonizing an American Holiday.” The event will focus on how people can continue to give thanks, while at the same time “raising [their] critical consciousness and identifying ways to decolonize the holiday.”
“Millions of families gather together every year to celebrate Thanksgiving in the United States. Many Americans do not grow up thinking much of the history behind the holiday,” the event description states. “The main messages are that of gratitude, food, and family; however, Thanksgiving is, foundationally speaking, a celebration of the ongoing genocide against native peoples and cultures across the globe.”
Several departments at the university are sponsoring the event, including the Division of Student Life, University Counseling Center, Division of Equity and Inclusion, and Center for Multicultural Academic Excellence.

So, yes, be thankful for the liberals who show up at your Thanksgiving feast, to remind you how lucky you are to maintain your sanity.



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