The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Police: Former Miss Kentucky Admitted Sending Nude Photos to 15-Year-Old Boy

Posted on | December 9, 2018 | Comments Off on Police: Former Miss Kentucky Admitted Sending Nude Photos to 15-Year-Old Boy


Generation YOLO strikes again:

A former Miss Kentucky has been charged with sending nude pictures to a 15-year-old boy.
Married beauty queen Ramsey Bearse, 28, was arrested on Friday and charged with four felony counts of distributing or displaying obscene matter to a minor.
Bearse is now an eighth grade teacher at Andrew Jackson Middle School in Cross Lanes in West Virginia and was arrested after her nude pictures were found on a 15-year-old former student’s phone.
The lewd pictures were discovered by the student’s mother and flagged to authorities on Wednesday December 5. His parents say Bearse was the boy’s teacher while he attended the school from sixth to eighth grade. . . .
Officers arrested Bearse and say she admitted to sending the photos via Snapchat, according to WDRB.
Officials say she confessed to sending photos of her naked breasts to the teenager from August 2018 to October 2018, according to Heavy. They both live in Kanawha County. . . .
Bearse was crowned Miss Kentucky in 2014 under her maiden name Carpenter.
From there she competed for the Miss America title in 2015 where she went on to finish in the top 12. In the competition, her talent was playing the fiddle.
Bearse had always wanted to be an elementary school teacher, according to her old interviews. She once told reporters she had to put her dream teaching career on hold in order to compete for the Miss Kentucky crown.
She has since deleted all of her social media following her arrest.
She married Charles ‘Chas’ Bearse in July 2016, according to their The Knot page.
His family are involved in Massey Energy, a coal mining company in West Virginia, according to Heavy.
He too has deleted some of his social media.


How the mighty have fallen! What was she thinking? And who was this boy on whom Mrs. Bearse was apparently fixated? Compare her case to the Air Force lieutenant colonel who got caught in a sex “sting” trying to meet a 14-year-old girl:

Newson allegedly tried to meet the teenager he met on a dating app, previously reported. However, the teen was an undercover officer for the FBI Metro Atlanta Child Exploitation Task Force.
He was arrested at the Radisson at 1775 Parkway Place in Marietta on Tuesday night. An arrest warrant obtained by Channel 2 Action News said the undercover officer “gave Newson the opportunity to stop communicating several times.”

The Internet has made it easier for people to ruin their lives.



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