The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

So Much ‘Ahoy’

Posted on | December 14, 2018 | Comments Off on So Much ‘Ahoy’


Two major differences between my blog and the Weekly Standard:

  1. I never sold any cruises to my readers;
  2. I’m still publishing.

Also, I never whored out to the open-borders #NeverTrump crowd:

The Weekly Standard, a conservative opinion magazine turned Never-Trump publication, will shut down, according to a Friday announcement from the publisher’s owner, Clarity Media Group.
Earlier Friday, Weekly Standard editor-in-chief Stephen Hayes sat down with MediaDC chairman Ryan McKibben to discuss the magazine’s fate. Hayes sent a letter to employees notifying them of this morning’s meeting with McKibben, saying he was “not sure what today will bring”
“This is a volatile time in American journalism and politics,” Hayes’ letter to staffers read. “Many media outlets have responded to the challenges of the moment by prioritizing affirmation over information, giving into the pull of polarization and the lure of clickbait.” . . .
The Weekly Standard, a once-influential neoconservative magazine, was co-founded by Bill Kristol and Fred Barnes in 1995 and published by Newscorp.
Clarity Media Group acquired The Weekly Standard in 2009.

That’s a carefully restrained version of the story, like saying the Hindenburg “experienced problems” on its arrival at Lakehurst, N.J.


Having previously said what I had to say on this topic (“The Bankruptcy of #NeverTrump,” Dec. 5, and “Be Not Conformed to This World,” Dec. 6), I’ll refrain from doing a happy dance on the grave of “elite” conservative folly. Instead, I’ll just quote a bit of Ace of Spades:

There’s a lot of whining by NeverTrumpers that this is terrible because we need dissenting voices in media, and the closing of the Weekly Standard means that we must all “kneel” to one rich arrogant man’s ego.
Well, you know who might agree with that? Lee Smith, who was fired — purged — from The Weekly Standard last October immediately having offered them an article exposing FusionGPS, the firm that Bill Kristol hired to try to take out Trump and Cruz, for those who like to forget that last name.
I know a lot of NeverTrumpers pretend they were Cruz supporters but funny, when I was supporting Cruz, I didn’t see them anywhere near me. They were taking snarky shots at Cruz and seemed to be rather enamored of Ruuuuubioooo.
Anyway, Lee Smith offered a rich (well, at least he lives richly off other people’s money) arrogant man whose ego cannot bear to hear any dissenting voices a story about the company he paid (or rather, used his donors’ money to pay) for dirt on Trump and Cruz, and was canned. . . .
So to all of those Weekly Standard people upset about losing your jobs — Lee Smith lost his job last Christmas (he was fired in October, but generously paid through Christmas), and none of you said a g–damn thing.

Read the whole thing and remember that Ace is not any kind of paleoconservative or “alt-right” white nationalist. He’s just a regular conservative who is living in reality, rather than in some opium-den pipe dream of a “Proposition Nation” or whatever other intellectual abstraction these genius controlled opposition types have spent 25 years peddling to Fox News viewers as True Conservative™ Principles.

So now their crooked hustle is busted, because the suckers got wise to the scam, and I’m right here where I’ve been for more than a decade, doing straightforward fee-for-service blogging, and reminding you again that The Five Most Important Words in the English Language are:


Really. Please. It’s Christmas. Thanks in advance.



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