The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘It Was Just Rejection After Rejection’

Posted on | December 17, 2018 | Comments Off on ‘It Was Just Rejection After Rejection’

After I began my deep-dive into radical feminism four years ago, I discovered the extent to which the movement’s ideology is rooted in the bizarre narcissistic belief that women have a monopoly on suffering. Many other critics of feminism have noted the victimhood mentality that emerges from the movement’s paranoid cult-like certainty that women — yes, all women — are oppressed by patriarchy, a systemic conspiracy against women in which all men are complicit. One of the major themes of feminism is that women are victimized by patriarchal beauty standards, compelled by “society” to conform to an unrealistic ideal. This theme is endlessly reiterated in memoirs (e.g., Sex Object by Jessica Valenti) that dramatize the agony of being an awkward or unattractive girl, and then relate how the discovery of feminist consciousness empowered the heroine to Fight Back Against the Patriarchy.

This is a rationalization of anti-male cruelty as revenge.

It’s not my fault that Jessica Valenti has a big nose. I am not responsible for how “society” made her feel insecure about her hairy arms or whatever other source of inadequacy inspired her childhood unhappiness. But this fixated claim to victimhood — her resentment of “society” as essentially unfair to her, and thus “oppressive” of all women — causes Ms. Valenti (like all other feminists) to believe she is justified in an attitude of infinite hostility toward males. The feminist therefore considers herself entitled to celebrate male suffering, and to mock the pain of any man who complains of his personal misfortunes.


Delighting in “male tears,” the feminist seeks to encourage other women to join her crusade of deliberate cruelty toward men. Feminism is not really about “equality,” it’s about a sadistic desire for revenge.

You see this, for example, in the way feminists habitually mock their male targets as sexually inadequate. Any man who criticizes a feminist, or who is otherwise identified as an opponent of their movement (e.g., Republican politicians) will predictably ridiculed by feminists as a nerd, a basement-dwelling “neckbeard,” a needle-dick loser who’s just angry because he can’t get laid. This kind of ad hominem is first and most obviously a substitute for argument, an attempt to discredit their antagonists and thus avoid having to defend their destructive anti-social ideology against intelligent criticism. However, these sexualized insults are also a revealing form of projection. SWJs Always Project, as Vox Day says and, by accusing their male critics of sexual inadequacy, feminists reveal the psychic root of their own grievance-based worldview.

The characteristic trait of the sociopath is a lack of empathy for others, and feminists manifest this trait in their indifference to male suffering. Because the feminist regards males collectively as perpetrators of oppression, she considers all men worthless and deserving of any pain or hardship inflicted upon them. (Jessica Valenti recently published a column entitled “Dear Men, Feminism Needs You,” and one wonders what sort of masochist would accept her invitation.)

Recently, Showtime produced a documentary about Brian “Head” Welch, guitarist for the heavy metal band Korn, who left the band after he committed his life to Christ in 2005:

In the film, Welch revealed that despite having it all — fame, fortune and a child he adored — he was still suffering from unhappiness.
“I think the root was the self-hatred that was going on due to unresolved issues growing up,” Welch explained. “I didn’t have the best relationship with my dad. I was bullied in school, picked on. I remember the first time of just trying to connect with girls. It was just rejection after rejection. So I always felt ugly. … Every time I looked in the mirror, it was like, ‘You’re not good enough.’ ‘There’s always someone more popular.’ ‘There’s always someone more gifted in music.’
“… I feel like I was too sensitive to things. And they would get to me. And I would let them just tear me down. And no matter how successful I got later on, I just felt like, if people really got to know me, got close to me, they wouldn’t like me. That’s the lie I believed about myself. And so I would just mask it with drugs and alcohol for years and years… It wasn’t until I found my faith that I learned to love myself.”

Here is what Welch looked like in 1999, at the pinnacle of his fame:


What a brutally handsome guy he was, but as a teenage boy?

“It was just rejection after rejection. So I always felt ugly.”

Show of hands: How many guys can relate to Brian Welch’s experience?

It escapes the notice of feminists that the vast majority of boys suffer the way Brian Welch did. Girls can be cruel and cold-hearted creatures, and boys are generally at their mercy. Watching my sons endure the adolescent ordeal of rejection and break-ups reminded me of my own teenage woes and, like Brian Welch, I understand that no amount of adult achievement can ever compensate for the youthful pain of unrequited love. What happens, too often, is that young men’s pain gets turned around into an attitude of vengeance against women — the mirror-obverse of Jessica Valenti’s anti-male ideology, rooted in her resentment of the “injustice” of being a big-nosed hairy-armed girl.

Thank God that Brian Welch found Jesus. The Christian must forsake the path of vengeance, learning to turn the other cheek, to endure suffering rather than to retaliate in violence. It always shocks me that feminists like Jessica Valenti embrace atheism and ridicule Christians, for what do feminists suppose would happen to women in an entirely godless society?

Well, “better put some ice on that,” eh?



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