The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

FMJRA 2.0: Frozen Ones

— compiled by Wombat-socho Memo From the National Affairs Desk: Who’s Heading to the Cornbread Festival? Victory Girls EBL Saturday Scenes from South Carolina EBL A Sunday Blessing in South Carolina EBL Fishersville Mike FMJRA 2.0: Third Stone From The Sun EBL Rule 5 Sunday: Katharine McPhee Animal Magnetism Ninety Miles From Tyranny EBL Proof […]

Border Crisis at ‘Breaking Point’ in Texas

  Democrats are against doing anything to address this emergency: Under a bridge connecting the U.S. with Mexico, dozens of migrant families cram into a makeshift camp set up by U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The families are there because permanent processing facilities have run out of room. Seven hundred miles east, busload after busload […]

Guatemalan Immigrant Kept 33 Illegal Aliens in Her Illinois Home

  It was tantamount to slavery: A woman has been arrested and accused of keeping 33 immigrants in her Illinois home, allegedly forcing them to work and pay her hundreds of dollars for rent, childcare and transportation, in addition to the thousands of dollars she said they owed her because she helped them get into […]

‘Creepy Uncle Joe’ Gets Busted by #MeToo (Hint: She’s a Bernie Supporter)

  After years of inappropriate public contact with women and girls, Joe Biden has finally been called out by a fellow Democrat: Lucy Flores, a former Nevada Assemblywoman and 2014 Democratic nominee for Lt. Governor has accused former Vice President Joe Biden of inappropriately touching her in 2014. In a riveting piece published today at The […]

In The Mailbox: 03.29.19

— compiled by Wombat-socho Got links? FMJRA links are due tomorrow at noon; Rule 5 links by midnight. OVER THE TRANSOM EBL: The Alaska Purchase Twitchy: Federal Judge In CA Rules State’s 10-Round Limit On Magazines Unconstitutional – AG Becerra, Mother Jones Hardest Hit Louder With Crowder: Celebrities Pledge To Boycott GA Over Pro-Life Bill […]

The Dutch Trump Is Awesome

  Nowadays, whenever you see the media label a politician “far-right,” you figure he must be awesome, and this rule appears to be valid in the case of Thierry Baudet, a Dutch politician who is being compared to Donald Trump after his Forum for Democracy (FvD) party won provincial elections. This makes Baudet’s party a […]

Face-Eating Cannibal Killer

  Florida? Yes, of course, it’s Florida: The young American cannibal Austin Harrouff, 22, will go on trial for murder on November 4, reports WPTV in Palm Beach, Florida. Harrouff, as you will recall, was arrested in August 2016 when he was discovered biting off the face of 59-year-old John Stevens III, after having killed […]

‘Henry Greenberg’ and the Deep State Conspiracy Against Donald Trump

  Michael Caputo, a longtime Trump associate whose life was wrecked by the Mueller investigation, called attention to an important fact this morning in an appearance on the Fox News Channel: Caputo said that a man identifying himself as a Russian-American named “Henry Greenberg” called him one day from Miami, “offering information [on Hillary Clinton] […]

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