The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Democrats May Be Better Off Leaving Their Faith Unstated

by Smitty “We Americans have always been a religious people, a member of my staff tells me.”–Kristen Wiig as Nancy Pelosi, 11Nov2006 (at 1:57) Chris Coons has a fascinating piece up at The Atlantic: First, it hides away the deep, passionate, and formative faith backgrounds of so many Democrats who are seeking or serving in […]

‘Godless Commies!’

  Ed Driscoll last week called attention to an essay by Harry Stein about the continuing relevance of Eugene Lyons’s 1941 book The Red Decade because of its eerie parallels to the Stalinist tendencies of the 21st-century Left. A complete and cynical dishonesty was one of the hallmarks of Stalin-era Communism, as the Soviet regime […]

FMJRA 2.0: Even Better Than The Real Thing

— compiled by Wombat-socho Rule 5 Monday: Camila Cabello Animal Magnetism A View From The Beach Proof Positive EBL Ninety Miles From Tyranny The Worst #MeToo Smear Yet Dark Brightness Cynical Anarcho-Capitalist Society Pushing Rubber Downhill EBL The Fake Ukrainian Ledger Angle: How the Media Colluded With the ‘Deep State’ A View From The Beach […]

In The Mailbox: 06.28.19

— compiled by Wombat-socho Remember that FMJRA links are due tomorrow at noon and Rule 5 Sunday links by midnight. OVER THE TRANSOM 357 Magnum: Reality Intrudes All The Way To Massachusetts Bacon Time: Doddering Old Fool Mumbles Incoherently EBL: Marianne Williamson Twitchy: Sean Spicier’s #DemDebates2 Tweets His Most Triggering Yet Louder With Crowder: The […]

Kirby Was Right (Again)

When I spoke to my brother Kirby about the arrest of Ayoola ‘AJ’ Ajayi in the murder of Mackenzie Lueck, he said: “Something tells me this wasn’t this guy’s first time at the rodeo” — he must have had some prior criminal history. And, as usual, Kirby’s hunch was right. Ajayi was investigated as a […]

UPDATE: Mackenzie Lueck Is Dead; Police Charge Ayoola Ajayi With Murder

Fox News reports: One person has been taken into custody Friday morning in relation to the disappearance of University of Utah student Mackenzie Lueck, Salt Lake City police announced. Further details on the arrest — which came a day after police finished searching a home whose owner they identified as a person of interest — […]

Democrat Debate Post-Mortem: MSNBC’s Obvious Bias and the ‘Beautiful Lunatic’

  The 10 candidates onstage for Round 2 of the Democratic National Committee debates Thursday night spoke for a combined total of about 66 minutes. Four of those candidates (Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg) consumed 45:21 of that time. In other words, 40% of the candidates got almost 70% of the […]

More ‘Red Pill’ Thoughts

Went to bed early Thursday night — it was a long day — and woke up early to start putting together my thoughts on the Democrat debate I missed, but then started engaging the comments on “Missing College Girl Mackenzie Lueck Was a Social-Media ‘Sugar Baby’ Whore.” This inspired some thoughts that I want to […]

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