The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 06.27.19

Posted on | June 27, 2019 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.27.19

— compiled by Wombat-socho

357 Magnum: Hollywood Is Officially Out Of Ideas
Bacon Time: Toaster Bacon?
EBL: Dalai Lama Warns All Of Europe Could Become African Or Muslim
Twitchy: Occasional Cortex’ Chief Of Staff Deletes Tweet comparing Blue Dog Democrats To 1940s Southern Democrats
Louder With Crowder: Arby’s Flips Off Vegans With “Carrot” Made Of Meat

Adam Piggott: Update On Hag Rape
American Greatness: Climate Crusaders Defeated In Oregon, For Now
American Thinker: America – Talked Out Of Liberty
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Armed Jews News
Babalu Blog: During A Rally In Miami (A City Full Of Cuban Exiles) Bill De Blasio Quotes Mass-Murdering Socialist Che Guevara
BattleSwarm: Kiddie Table Debate Reactions
Camp Of The Saints: The Never-Eradicated Plague That Is The Red Menace
CDR Salamander: On LCS Manning, Even The Atlantic Goes Salamander
Da Tech Guy: The Bladensburg Cross, SCOTUS Precedent, & The Dirty Dozen, also, Debate Dud & Other Thoughts Under The Fedora
Don Surber: Constitution Mandates Gerrymandering, also, Highlights Of The News
Dustbury: Where It All Began
The Geller Report: Pennsylvania Expected To Become Third State To Ban Child Marriage, also, Obama Appointee Judge Talwani Invents Sanctuary Courthouses
Hogewash: Knit Picking, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Critics Weaponize Loudest Voice Against Fox News
JustOneMinute: A Character Building Opportunity
Legal Insurrection: SCOTUS Says No Census Citizenship Question For Now, also, Iranian Foreign Minister Claims They Won’t Build Nukes Because They’re Forbidden By Islam
The PanAm Post: Interview With Guaido’s Coordinator For Humanitarian Aid
Power Line: Occasional Cortex Cries Over Empty Parking Lot, also, Ted Cruz Wants To Know
Shot In The Dark: Safety
The Political Hat: Buckley Ban On Reddit – A Prelude To More Or An Impudence For Less?
This Ain’t Hell: The Long Arm Of Fustercluck 2015, also, Bad Messaging Choices
Victory Girls: Photo Of Drowned Family Not What Democrats Say It Is
Volokh Conspiracy: The Rights And Wrongs Of Overruling Precedent
Weasel Zippers: Obama’s ICE Chief Says Don’t Blame Trump, Cages For Illegals Were Built During Obama Administration, also, Flashback Montage – Media Insists Trump “Manufacturing” Border Crisis
Megan McArdle: Fauxcahontas’ Support For Abolishing Private Insurance Is Bold And Risky
Mark Steyn: That’ll Be One Palestinian Piranha Pedicure, Please

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