The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rule 5 Sunday: Homeko At The Beach

— compiled by Wombat-socho Sometimes Rule 5 is about sexy. Sometimes it’s about cute, and this is one of those times. Given the Japanese penchant for anthropomorphizing everything under the sun that has even vaguely human characteristics, it should be no surprise that there is a whole “family” of anthropomorphized computer operating systems, a/k/a OS-tans. […]

FMJRA 2.0: Slave To The Grind

— compiled by Wombat-socho The Poison Fruit of Radical Seeds The Constitutional News Network Nation And State Dennis G. Hurst Viewpoints Of The Many EBL Rule 5 Sunday: Claudia Cardinale Animal Magnetism Ninety Miles From Tyranny A View From The Beach Proof Positive EBL They Told Me If I Voted for Trump, Jews Would Suffer […]

Dead Men Tell No Tales

  GAINESVILLE, GEORGIA News of Jeffrey Epstein’s “suicide” reached me Saturday morning in the parking lot of a Hardee’s in South Carolina. After driving all night, I’d stopped in for some breakfast, then took a brief nap in the car before resuming my journey. When I woke up, I called my brother Kirby to check […]

Note To Self: Heed Surber

by Smitty I admit to some mild anxiety over Trump going wobbly regarding guns. Then I read Surber: President Trump is playing Democrats again. They want to make gun control an issue. He said, OK, and took control of the gun control debate. The debate will be on his terms and in his language. That […]

Apparent Epstein Arkanicide

by Smitty Somebody forgot to wind Epstein’s suicide watch. Twitter, of course, is on the case: #EpsteinConspiracyTheory 1/ Jeremy Corbyn called in a favor from John Brennan, who had a couple of retired CIA agents whisk Epstein to a midget sub that will now make a trans-Atlantic run. Upon arrival in the UK, Epstein will […]

Reading for the Road: I Was Born in the Backseat of a Greyhound Bus

No, not me personally — I was born at Georgia Baptist Hospital (since renamed Atlanta Medical Center) off Boulevard downtown — but the lyrics of an old Allman Brothers tune came to mind: My father was a gambler down in Georgia. He wound up on the wrong end of a gun. And I was born […]


It’s 715 miles to LaGrange, Georgia. Saturday afternoon, they’re having the memorial service for my Uncle Casper, a combat veteran of Vietnam who married my mother’s baby sister Barbara. I’ve reserved a rental car ($211.17) for this road trip, and will leave this afternoon heading “south to see my kin.” You can figure the cost […]

Biden Says What Liberals Really Think

  Wealthy liberals pretend to believe in “equality,” even while they scheme ways to get their kids into Harvard, knowing that attending an elite university is the only way to obtain the kind of credentials and social connections necessary to membership in their club. This is why they have such contempt for working-class people, and […]

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