The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 09.05.19 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | September 6, 2019 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

357 Magnum: Self Defense Is Legal In Maryland
EBL: Neerja Bhanot, RIP, also, Never Realized That The Horned Lizard Was Joe Biden’s Spirit Animal
Twitchy: Here’s A Super-Hot Take On (Not) Arming Women For Self Defense Against Rapists
Louder With Crowder: Kamala Harris Wants To Regulate Your Meat

American Greatness: Antifa Gives Progressives A Tin-Pot Dictator High
American Power: Joe Biden’s Eye Fills With Blood
American Thinker: #NeverTrump Nitwits Should Just Go Away
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Black Marketeer News
Babalu Blog: Caught On Video – Castro’s Elite “Black Wasps” Special Forces Hunting Down Cuban Civilians
BattleSwarm: Hong Kong On Hold
Camp of the Saints: On Pax Americana & Pax Britannica
CDR Salamander: Remember How We Laughed At The Russians…
Da Tech Guy: The Critics Vs. Reality, Chappelle/Nerdrotic Edition, also, Labor Unions Do More Harm Than Good
Don Surber: What Triggers MAGA
First Street Journal: What Has Fauxcahontas Been Smoking In Her Peace Pipe?
The Geller Report: Jewish Man & Son badly Hurt In Brooklyn Synagogue Stabbing, also, Well Over 50% Of 2018 Hate Crimes In NYC Were Antisemitic
Hogewash: I’m Not Making This Up, You Know, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Embarrassing Colbert Lets Biden Lie, Deflect, & Spin
Joe For America: Federal Judge Says “Numerous Prominent American Politicians” To Be Implicated By Epstein Files
Legal Insurrection: San Francisco Declares NRA “Domestic Terrorist Organization”, also, Harris Only Three Points Ahead Of Gabbard After Ridiculing Her Poll Numbers A Month Ago
Power Line: The Environmental Fiasco Of Wind Energy, also, Daniel Gade For U.S. Senate
Shark Tank: Rubio & Scott Ask Trump To Suspend Certain Visa Requirements For The Bahamas
Shot In The Dark: Tailgunner Joe Is Alive & Well In Hollywood
This Ain’t Hell: Drunk Marine Tells Homeowners “Go Back To Sleep”, also, Thursdays Are For Cooking
Victory Girls: Bernie Sanders Goes Full Eugenicist
Volokh Conspiracy: “The Europeans Fabricated Stories About Ancient Egyptian, Greek, & Roman Civilizations – All Based On Chinese History”
Weasel Zippers: Watch As Christine Blasey Ford’s Lawyer Admits Her Coming Forward Against Judge Kavanaugh Was Political, also, Julian Castro Says It’s Essential We Use Public Schools To Push Global Warming Propaganda
Megan McArdle: Boris Johnson Is Presiding Over Britain’s Stupidest Hour
Mark Steyn: Johnson Vs. Johnson

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One Response to “In The Mailbox: 09.05.19 (Evening Edition)”

  1. Sunday Roundup of Link Roundups | 357 Magnum
    September 8th, 2019 @ 10:40 am

    […] Again from Wombat-socho at The Other McCain – In The Mailbox: 09.05.19 (Evening Edition). […]