The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Infamous Pedophile Murdered in Prison

Posted on | October 15, 2019 | 1 Comment


Police suspect the pedophile was killed by a notorious rapist:

A jailed sex offender who once boasted: ‘I love raping women’ is the prime suspect in the murder of Britain’s most depraved paedophile Richard Huckle in prison, it was revealed today.
Huckle was stabbed to death in his cell at HMP Full Sutton with a makeshift ‘shiv’ knife and fellow inmate Paul Fitzgerald is in isolation as Humberside Police investigates.
The 33-year-old was serving at least 25 years behind bars for 191 sexual offences against children as young as six months after a trial at the Old Bailey in 2016.
Yesterday his bloodied-body was found ‘slumped’ in his top floor cell at the Category A jail near York housing many of Britain’s most notorious and violent prisoners.
Northern Irishman Paul Fitzgerald is reportedly the prime suspect and he was jailed indefinitely in 2009 for a sex attack on a female dog-walker – after he had already sexually assaulted a 15-year-old girl and an elderly woman in north Wales.
Police also found a diary containing his sick sexual fantasies and on one page said: ‘I love raping women. Even if I was going to reoffend they couldn’t stop me’. . . .
Masquerading as a devout Christian, Huckle spent years targeting care homes and orphanages while teaching English and photography in Malaysia and Cambodia.
The so called ‘Gap Year’ paedophile bragged about the abuse in a twisted blog in which he awarded himself ‘PedoPoints’ for the ferocity of his sexual assaults.
He even filmed himself raping children and babies. From the age of 19 he amassed a staggering 20,000 images of child abuse that he sold for profit.
Investigators believe he would have attacked hundreds more children had he not been caught in 2014 when Australian police uncovered a network of paedophiles on the ‘dark’ web.

Pedophile stabbed to death in prison — happy Tuesday, everybody.



One Response to “Infamous Pedophile Murdered in Prison”

  1. Wednesday Linkage « Bacon Time !!!!!!
    October 16th, 2019 @ 2:34 am

    […] The Other McCain:  Infamous Pedophile Murdered in Prison […]
