The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Politics Is About Getting The Last Word

Posted on | November 15, 2019 | 3 Comments

by Smitty

A couple of books ago Coulter wrote “Demonic”, which pointed to Gustav Le Bon’s “The Crowd”. That book seems to inform much about how the Left is trying to unwind our liberty.

Among his points was not only that the populace is a big piece of meat, only capable of holding one crudely-drawn thought at a time; but that, as a result, the crowd lives in the present tense. There is no collective memory. Whatever the latest flap is in the news cycle is what matters. Who really remembers that Epstein didn’t kill himself?

Hence the myopic rush to “control the news cycle”. Whoever gets to scrawl the refrigerator art in crayon for the crowd controls the Holy Narrative. So the theory goes. Until Al Gore begat the internet, and suddenly the crowd had some means of collective recollection. This also explains why Google is so keen on controlling how that collective recollection is managed in terms of searchability.

Which brings us to impeachment.

One point no one seems to be making about the ‘Historic’ Impeachment fracas is that it’s one side of the Deep State coin since BHO “fundamentally transform[ed] the United States of America”:

We have the DoJ investigation(s) on the one hand, and the Ukrainapalooza circus on the other. The latter resembles a cabal of un-elected homo bureaucratus specimens trying to replace our Constitutional procedure for choosing leaders with something “managed”, what amounts to (if you consider Russiagate and the Kavanaugh flaps as connected episodes) a four-year-long collective Democrat fart.

Aside: the last 20 years, since Al Gore came within a dangling chad of succeeding Bubba Love Muffin as POTUS, seems a complement to our system’s general robustness. Lurch couldn’t win in 2004, but #OccupiedResoluteDesk did in 2008. Not to get cocky, but the fact that there remained a shred of a chance that Trump could win in 2016 is both a complement and a chance to dodge the bullet of human history. We are not required to collapse into some authoritarian hell a la Venezuela or China, though we remain in danger of such. All we have to do is continue to have Democrats in power.

Which is why they the Democrats are so furiously trying to flog a dead horse down to glue and use it to stick something, anything to Trump. With their Deep State shenanigans about to be laid bare by the DoJ, there has to be a rebuttal.

I hope that Trump and others are good diarists, so that we can eventually read memoirs of what was afoot in these weird times. Whoever is advising Trump (if anyone) to hold his peace while the Democrats beclown themselves is both a genius and a master of patience. In letting the DoJ reports transform into a Sword of Damocles. The Democrats have to keep saying something while the pages and details and grand juries keep grinding on.

But we understand that, while no saint, there really isn’t any substantial, actionable, impeachable basis to attack Trump. Ever since Trump University never amounted to anything during the 2016 campaign, DJT has seemed the Teflon Don. I am told that his skirt chasing and potty mouth in the past render it some sort of moral failing if I don’t join the #Resistance. (yawn)

The most substantial argument the #NeverTrump weenies have is that hero worship is a genuinely bad thing. Fair Point. But is it worth being bossed around by the aforementioned un-elected pencil necks who natter on about being Experts? Hardly.

And so natter on the Deep State does. An aspect of Le Bon’s theory, presaging the Postmodernism that followed him by a few decades, is that the content of the crude drawings held before the crowd doesn’t matter: those in control can create a narrative on the fly and make it stick, if it’s in monosyllables and repeated endlessly. Orange Man Bad.

But the Narrative is a highly tactical tool in the Information Age. There are enough outlets beyond the control of the Deep State which can connect the dots in ways that stymie efforts to set the narrative and control the news cycle.

Trump’s strategy seems to be to let the Deep State bloviators exhaust themselves. How many nameless whistle-blowers having fourth-hand evidence of a phone call that triggered their irritable bowel syndrome can we endure before somebody’s AI engine correlates and exposes the actual whistle-blower, Mr. Wickles?

After all that, the IG reports. These are the arguments. The judges are the voters, and the case is tried at the ballot box. For God and your liberty’s sake, don’t let the Democrats prevail.


3 Responses to “Politics Is About Getting The Last Word”

  1. The writing on the weekly wall. – Dark Brightness
    November 15th, 2019 @ 2:25 pm

    […] I hope that Trump and others are good diarists, so that we can eventually read memoirs of what was afoot in these weird times. Whoever is advising Trump (if anyone) to hold his peace while the Democrats beclown themselves is both a genius and a master of patience. In letting the DoJ reports transform into a Sword of Damocles. The Democrats have to keep saying something while the pages and details and grand juries keep grinding on. […]

  2. Saturday Links – 357 Magnum
    November 16th, 2019 @ 11:25 am

    […] The Other McCain – Politics Is About Getting The Last Word […]

  3. Sunday Linkage « Bacon Time !!!!!!
    November 17th, 2019 @ 3:02 am

    […] The Other McCain:    Politics Is About Getting The Last Word […]