The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler


Posted on | November 27, 2019 | 1 Comment

— by Wombat-socho

As referenced in the wretchedly delayed Rule 5 post, supra, I was laid low by some vile virus for most of the week, and am only today well enough to get out and Do Stuff, but otherwise things are moving along toward the ultimate goal of getting me out of transitional housing and into a place of my own again, preferably a place that has the intertubes so I don’t have to head down to the local library or *shudder* Starbucks to get the necessary blogging done. I turned in my paperwork for VA disability pay today, and should hear back on that in 120 days – probably less, since I’m currently homeless according to the VA and I had copies of my active duty medical records. As for Social Security, all I know is that they haven’t rejected my claim based on what the state adjudicator had to say, so all I can do is work on preseason training for tax season, check in at various classes I need to attend at the transitional housing, and cultivate patience.

All this is by way of saying that blogging and/or linkagery is likely to be sporadic for the next few months, but I shall do the best I can. Your patience is appreciated.

I appreciate the donations people have made and the things they’ve bought through my Amazon links, to which we must now add Bob’s book, which Stacy has reviewed elsewhere. Buy two, so you can inflict the spare copy on your children, or a likely-looking neighborhood urchin, or your local library. If you prefer some lighter reading for the holidays, I have some SF short stories, or perhaps a droll account of my military misadventures. Thanks to everyone for their support.

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One Response to “Administrivia”

  1. Saturday Links | 357 Magnum
    November 30th, 2019 @ 11:49 am

    […] Wombat-socho at The Other McCain has an update on his battles with bureaucracy. Administrivia : The Other McCain […]

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