The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

They Can’t Blame Trump for This

Posted on | February 15, 2020 | 1 Comment


But they probably will, anyway:

THE END OF THE WORLD is upon us, as Coronavirus, an apocalyptic locust plague and the conflict between Iran and the US fulfils the prophecy for Jesus’ Second Coming, according to outrageous claims among Biblical scholars.
The deadly disease has now claimed the lives of more than 1,300 people in China and is threatening to become a global pandemic, while conflict in Iran and the African locust invasion have the Middle East on high alert. But, Biblical scholar Melvin Sandelin, has urged viewers on his “Christian Life” YouTube channel not to fear, claiming it is just part of the process for the return of Jesus Christ. Mr Sandellin wildly suggested coronavirus is “just one of the examples” that the End Times prophecy is “being fulfilled” and he is not alone in his thinking. . . .
“As the whole world is sucked into this media-furled fear for the coronavirus, Jesus said ‘don’t fear’.
“These things must happen, they are a sign of what is soon to come, Jesus is coming back soon.”
Meanwhile, a locust swarm “as big as a major city” is wreaking havoc in Africa and experts say it could grow 400 times the size by June, spreading to Uganda, South Sudan and further North, threatening the Middle East. . . .
A pastor in Kenya’s capital said he was asking for God’s forgiveness following the invasion earlier this month.
He said: “It is not normal that the country has been invaded by desert locusts and having rain in the month of January.
“I am here to repent our sins and ask God for forgiveness because something is wrong somewhere and also ask God for His visitation.
“God bless you all, call the Lord and he will hear your prayers.” . . .
The popular Christian novelist Joel Rosenberg, who in recent years has led trips of evangelical leaders to meet with leaders in the Middle East, said that while he is cautious about saying that prophecies from the Bible are unfolding right now, he takes those forecasts from the Old and New Testaments seriously.
He interprets biblical texts such as Ezekiel 38, which describes a forthcoming war, as meaning that Iran will ally with Russia and attack Israel.

Also, there’s this terrible portent of forthcoming doom.



One Response to “They Can’t Blame Trump for This”

  1. Friday Links | 357 Magnum
    February 21st, 2020 @ 11:28 am

    […] more from The Other McCain – They Can’t Blame Trump for This “But they probably will, […]
