The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

You’re Not Paranoid Enough Yet

Posted on | February 21, 2020 | Comments Off on You’re Not Paranoid Enough Yet

The one thing a responsible blogger would never do is to spread baseless conspiracy theories in an effort to incite fear and suspicion among Democrats. Fortunately, I don’t have to do that, because the daily headlines suffice as paranoia fodder:

Mike Bloomberg is privately lobbying Democratic Party officials and donors allied with his moderate opponents to flip their allegiance to him — and block Bernie Sanders — in the event of a brokered national convention.
The effort, largely executed by Bloomberg’s senior state-level advisers in recent weeks, attempts to prime Bloomberg for a second-ballot contest at the Democratic National Convention in July by poaching supporters of Joe Biden and other moderate Democrats, according to two Democratic strategists familiar with the talks and unaffiliated with Bloomberg.
The outreach has involved meetings and telephone calls with supporters of Biden and Pete Buttigieg — as well as uncommitted DNC members — in Virginia, Texas, Florida, Oklahoma and North Carolina, according to one of the strategists who participated in meetings and calls.
With Sanders’ emergence as the frontrunner in the presidential primary, Democrats in those states have recently raised the prospect that the democratic socialist could be a top-of-the-ticket liability.
“There’s a whole operation going on, which is genius,” said one of the strategists, who is unaffiliated with any campaign. “And it’s going to help them win on the second ballot … They’re telling them that’s their strategy.”

(Hat-tip: Ace of Spades.) We haven’t had a brokered convention since 1952, and I doubt there will be one this year, but never say never. And so it’s important that every Bernie Sanders supporter know this: The Democrats are trying to steal the nomination from your guy, just like they stole it from him in 2016. Even if you beat Bloomberg on Super Tuesday, the Democrat establishment still won’t stop trying to f–k you over. If you’re going to get f–ked over, well, Republicans can do that.

Republicans have catered buffets and better-looking women. So why not just come on over to the Dark Side? It’s a great party. And at least when Republicans f–k you over, they don’t call it “social justice.”



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