The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 03.10.20

Posted on | March 10, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 03.10.20

– compiled by Wombat-socho

I was going to do the FMJRA this morning but then I got high I slept in until 1000 instead. Tomorrow for sure, loyal readers.

357 Magnum: Because a Couple Of Media Types Proving They’re Morons Never Gets Old
EBL: Asparagus Season
Twitchy: Dana Loesch Challenges David Frum’s Spin Of Joe Biden’s “Impressive” Encounter With A “Hostile Critic”
Louder With Crowder: Former Transgender Regrets Transition, Files Suit Against NHS

Adam Piggott: This Is Our Own Dark Age
American Conservative: Is This How Europe Ends?
American Greatness: Democrats Refuse To Consider Trump’s Emergency Tax Cut To Combat Coronavirus, also, Coronavirus Mass Hysteria
American Thinker: Can NJ Democrats Bulldoze President Trump? also, Nick Searcy, The Rush Limbaugh Of A New Hollywood
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily COVID-19 News
Babalu Blog: Bernie Proclaims No Regrets For Praising Cuba’s Murderous Dictatorship
BattleSwarm: Former Democrat Attends Trump Rally, Enlightenment Ensues, also, Tucker Carlson On The Threat From China
Cafe Hayek: Cass, Hawley, & Rubio Are No Friends Of Free Markets
Da Tech Guy: Obama’s Failures During The 2009 Pandemic, also, Biden Punches Down – Again
Don Surber: They Really Got Old Donald John Trump This Time
First Street Journal: Let’s Face It, America, We Didn’t Deserve Elizabeth Warren
The Geller Report: Rashida Tlaib Wears T-Shirt Calling For Extermination Of Israel, also, Majority Of House Dems Vote Against Amendment Barring Convicted Terrorists From Joining TSA
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, Rock Collecting In Space
Hollywood In Toto: Nick Cave & Stephen King Stand Up To Woke Mob, also, Zoe’s Extraordinary Playlist Is Must-See (And Hear) TV
JustOneMinute: OK, Wow, also, Staggering Along
Legal Insurrection: Should Schumer Face Censure For Threatening Justices Gorsuch & Kavanaugh? also, Yale Shrink Who’s Repeatedly Called Trump Mentally Unfit Refuses To Diagnose Biden
Megan McArdle: No, There Are No Comparable Analogies To Coronavirus
The PanAm Post: Maduro Tells Women To Have More Children While Venezuela Is Starving, also, Coronavirus Plagues Spanish Economy
Power Line: Congressional GOP Approval Rising, also, Joe Biden Explains
Shark Tank: Mucarsel-Powell Facing Tough Reelection Bid
Shot In The Dark: St. Paul – The Sound Of The Ground Below The Bottom Of The Moral Barrel Being Scraped
The Political Hat: Double Standard For Body Autonomy
This Ain’t Hell: Michael Sean Green – Blog Of Shame, also, Darly Edwards Apology
Victory Girls: Biden Brawls With MI Autoworkers Over Guns
Volokh Conspiracy: Muslim Inmate Objects To Strip Search With Transgender Guard Watching
Weasel Zippers: Schumer – “We Are Very Worried About The President’s Incompetence”, also, Gov. Newsom (D-CA) Praises Trump Administration’s Coronavirus Response
Mark Steyn: Wand’rin’ Star, also, Corona Catch-22

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