The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Never Trust a Bisexual

Posted on | March 12, 2020 | 1 Comment


Guys, if you ever consider dating a bisexual woman, just remember what that lying evil bitch Amber Heard did to Johnny Depp’s reputation:

Amber Heard’s former assistant claims the actress verbally and mentally abused her after drug and alcohol binges and described working for her as a ‘nightmare’ from which she has still not recovered.
Kate James, who worked for Heard between 2012 and 2015, said the abuse was so severe that it left her emaciated with stress and ‘permanently mentally scarred’.
By contrast, she said Heard’s then-partner Johnny Depp was ‘calm’ and ‘thoughtful’, offered to entertain her son while she was working, and never used violence.
James spoke out in a legal declaration seen by The Blast as Heard and Depp prepare to battle it out in a $50 million defamation lawsuit in Virginia.
In her declaration, James outlines how she spent large amounts of time with Heard during her employment — sometimes up to seven days a week, often in intimate settings where she saw her nude or semi-nude.
That is significant, she says, because many of Heard’s allegations of physical abuse date to that time period — and she never saw any evidence of it.
Instead, she claims to have seen ample evidence of Heard’s own abusive behavior, which was often directed at her. . . .

You can read the rest of that, in case you didn’t already know that Amber Heard is an evil lying bitch. And some of you young fellows may say, “Well, it’s not fair to use that evil lying bitch as an example of the entire bisexual community.” To which I reply, “Who said anything about ‘fairness’? This is about saving your life, son.” Johnny Depp was one of the most popular movie stars of the century, a multimillionaire, and now his life is ruined. Why? Because he married a bisexual, that’s why.

You think Amber Heard is an isolated example? Go ask Liam Hemsworth how it worked out with Miley Cyrus. Same mistake as Johnny Depp — married a crazy bisexual woman who ruined his life. There is a pattern here, and guys don’t want to see it. Guys don’t want to be accused of prejudice against bisexuals. Guys want to be “open-minded,” and they think it’s just a “stereotype” that bisexual women are dangerously crazy. Maybe they have some kind of fantasy about kinky threesomes, and so they make the one mistake that is guaranteed to ruin a man’s life.

Don’t risk it, guys. A kinky fantasy isn’t worth ruining your life for, so if you’re smart, stay the hell away from Amber Heard, or Miley Cyrus or any other bisexual woman. They’re all crazy — deranged, demented, berserk, cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs — and crazy people are dangerous.



One Response to “Never Trust a Bisexual”

  1. Friday Links | 357 Magnum
    March 13th, 2020 @ 10:30 am

    […] Robert Stacy McCain – The Other McCain – with his continuing advice to Never Trust a Bisexual […]