The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Is the ‘Hero of the Fascist Lockdown Lobby’

Posted on | April 21, 2020 | 2 Comments


So dubbed by Ace of Spades:

John Ekdahl has been on a helluva tear on Twitter.
He wonders why it is that the New York-based media is scolding Floridians for visiting the beaches in small numbers, but yet all of New York City’s parks remain open.
He wonders why people are being told they can’t drive but New York City’s subway system remains open, each car a contained petri dish. (And note — they only gave out the order to wear a mask on the subway a few days ago!)
And I’ll point this one out: The same people saying that protests are non-essential are the same people who said it would violate the Constitution to quarantine people from the New York City area to the New York City area.
Andrew Cuomo, hero of the fascist lockdown lobby, threatened to provoke a Constitutional crisis if Trump sought to limit New Yorkers’ holy right to export the plague to other states.
Why is it the Ruling Class is busy demanding lockdowns for others while accepting no restrictions at all for themselves?

Ace’s point about New York City’s subway system is more important than anyone at CNN or MSNBC is willing to admit:

In a research paper called, “The Subways Seeded the Massive Coronavirus Epidemic in New York City,” [MIT Professor Jeffrey] Harris reports that the subways were packed with five million riders a day. Harris overlaid the hot spots of the virus in NYC with the subway stations and found a correlation. “Maps of subway station turnstile entries, superimposed upon zip code-level maps of reported coronavirus incidence, are strongly consistent with subway-facilitated disease propagation.”

Of course, we didn’t need an MIT professor to tell us this, only common sense. New York City is one of the few places in America where most residents — and there are 8 million of them — don’t own a car. Nearly everybody in the city rides the subway, and commuters ride trains from the suburbs into the city, and if ever there was a petri dish that provided the perfect environment to spread a deadly epidemic, New York was it. And yet at no point during this crisis did Gov. Cuomo or Mayor Bill deBlasio do anything about their subway problem. It was only on March 20, more than a week after President Trump had declared a state of emergency, that Cuomo announced the closing of “non-essential businesses,” which produced a dramatic reduction in subway ridership.

Despite these failures, however, Cuomo gives a daily press briefing in which no reporter ever asks him a hostile question, and he lectures as if he were an expert in epidemiology. Cuomo pretends to know, for example, that it will be unsafe to reopen businesses anywhere until basically everybody can be tested for the coronavirus. But as Ann Althouse points out, most Americans live in places with no subways, and therefore are at much less risk of the kind of mass contagion that struck New York, which has 44% of all U.S. coronavirus deaths.



2 Responses to “New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Is the ‘Hero of the Fascist Lockdown Lobby’”

  1. NYC Ignored This Virus for a Long Time | 357 Magnum
    April 21st, 2020 @ 1:47 pm

    […] There is a nice graphic that plots turnstile entries versus newly reported cases of COVID-19. Click thru for that and more details. (Hat tip to The Other McCain.) […]

  2. Friday Links | 357 Magnum
    April 24th, 2020 @ 10:32 am

    […] Again from The Other McCain – New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Is the ‘Hero of the Fascist Lockdown Lobby’ […]

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