Death Is a Democrat: Florida Fearmonger Stalks Beaches as ‘Grim Reaper’
It is difficult to describe, and impossible to exaggerate, just how evil and dishonest the Democrats have become. Daniel Uhlfelder is a Florida lawyer who previously made headlines by suing over a private beach in Walton County where former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee happens to live. Huckabee is just one of 900 beachfront property […]
Blue-State Media Continue Wishcasting Coronavirus Epidemic in Red States
Since mid-March, at least, we have seen endless reiterations of this narrative: “Oh, sure, the virus is devastating Democratic-controlled urban areas now,” the media keep saying, “but just you wait — eventually those Trump voters out in the sticks will pay the price!” Two assumptions are baked into this narrative: Trump is to blame […]
Crazy People Are Dangerous: Did This Feminist Just Endorse Holocaust Denial?
Let me start by saying that I am not sure Lux Alptraum is actually a woman, considering her interest in transgenderism and homosexuality, but that’s scarcely relevant to her decision to reinterpret the Holocaust from a perspective that views Jews as possessors of “white privilege.” On the other hand, perhaps it is relevant whether […]
Stick a Fork in Joe Biden
He is done: New Biden Accuser: He Complimented My Breasts When I Was 14 Years Old Can she prove this? She says there were witnesses: “When it was Biden and my aunt’s turn to say hello he quickly turned to me and asked how old I was. I replied with my age and he replied […]
Biden Accuses Tara Reade of Lying
Joe Biden expects us to accept that the #BelieveAllWomen standard that applied to Brett Kavanaugh’s accusers does not apply to Democrats: Former Vice President Joe Biden explicitly denied the sexual assault accusation against him during an appearance on MSNBC Friday morning. Speaking publicly about the matter for the first time, Biden maintained that he […]
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