The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

White Supremacists in Kentucky Defeat Black Candidate’s Senate Campaign

  Oh, sure, Democrats say “Black Lives Matter,” but they don’t really mean it, not if a black man’s campaign for the Senate might impede the political ambitions of one of their handpicked white favorites: In a tighter race than expected, former Marine pilot Amy McGrath has been declared the winner of the Kentucky primary […]

In The Mailbox: 06.30.20 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM 357 Magnum: The Tolerant Left – Death Threats For Teen Supporting Law Enforcement EBL: Statue Destruction Has Just Gone Too Damn Far! Twitchy: Raging White Boy With Poor Impulse Control Tries To Tackle Black Man Tearing Down #BLM Sign Louder With Crowder: Dan Crenshaw Throws Down The Gauntlet […]

In The Mailbox: 06.30.20 (Afternoon Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho Yesterday’s linkagery was postponed due to a tooth extraction and consequent heavy (legal) drug use. Your patience is greatly appreciated. OVER THE TRANSOM Red Pilled Jew: Random Thoughts 357 Magnum: Chicago’s Mayor Is “Outraged” Bacon Time: It’s Called Acting Stupid EBL: Segway, RIP, also, Lem’s Levity & Political Clown Parade, RIP? […]

Warning: You Can Never Unsee This

Usually, I celebrate “Pride” Month by ignoring it. One of our greatest liberties as Americans is the Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination, i.e., “you have the right to remain silent.” In an age of militant “social justice” activism, you can engage in a sort of protest simply by keeping your mouth shut, resisting the temptation […]

War in Antifastan: Has Violence in CHOP Zone Become Too Much for Seattle?

  Latest dispatches from combat correspondents on the front lines: A 16-year-old boy has died and a 14-year-old boy has been hospitalized in critical condition Monday following the latest shooting at the Seattle area known as the Capitol Hill Organized Protest, or CHOP, police revealed. Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best said it marked the second […]

Crazy People Are Dangerous

  Protesters in St. Louis are angry because . . . Well, does it really matter why they’re angry? They’re protesters. Being angry is sort of a prerequisite for being a protester. “Defund the police” is their demand, because the protesters are Democrats and Democrats hate police. The mayor of St. Louis is a Democrat […]

Rule 5 Sunday: Erin Gray

— compiled by Wombat-socho Who says A must say B, some old Commie said, and so, since I spent most of the book post talking about various Buck Rodgers books, it seems only right that our appetizer for this Sunday is actress Erin Gray, who played Wilma Deering on the TV show. Here she is […]

The Yellow Peril

— compiled by Wombat-socho One of the recurring tropes in science fiction (and pulp fiction as well) is the Yellow Peril, the notion that America is in danger from the Asian hordes – originally Chinese, but later Japanese, and now Chinese again – whose fiendish plots are foiled only by heroic deeds, super-science, or both. […]

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