The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 09.03.20 (Afternoon Edition)

Posted on | September 3, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Red Pilled Jew: Shattering Bamboozles Or Shattering America (part 2 of 2)
Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1097
357 Magnum:  In Other Words, They Haven’t Got A Clue
EBL: Chop Suey Day
Twitchy: White CBS News Journo Thinks Fellow White Man Ben Shapiro Shouldn’t Question Fellow White Man Joe Biden’s Baseless Assertion About Black Americans
Louder With Crowder: Trump Supporter Gets Kicked In The Head by (Alleged) Biden Supporter In Kenosha
Vox Popoli: The Missing Episodes, also, #FightBack

Adam Piggott: Bottoms Vs. Boobies
American Conservative: Biden Fears His Campaign Could Be Going Up In Smoke
American Greatness: The Lockdown Has Gone From A Mistake To A Crime
American Power: Blue Exodus – California Is A Failed State
American Thinker: The Big COVID Con Exposed
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Castro Regime Continues To Withhold Humanitarian Aid Sent To Cuba From U.S. Donors
Baldilocks: Open Warfare
BattleSwarm: The Totalitarian Epistemological Closure Of Social Justice
Cafe Hayek: Economy Puzzle Solved
CDR Salamander: Long War In Africa Is Tomorrow’s War Too
Da Tech Guy: Trump’s Army Of Davids Vs. Biden’s Army Of Robespierres, also, The Presidents & The Press
Don Surber: Media Enabled The Antifa/BLM Trainwreck, also, Democrats Believe Their Own Lies
First Street Journal: If Racism In America Is So Bad, Why Do They Have To Lie About It?
Fred On Everything:
The Geller Report: Viral Video Shows Leading Democrats Inciting Uprisings, Unrest, & Harassment, also, Self-Proclaimed Antifa Member Could Be Next Mayor Of Portland
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Yes, In One Sense It’s Donald Trump’s America
Hollywood In Toto: Fatima Captures The Pain & Power Of Staying True To One’s Faith, also, A Tale Of Two Political Conventions
JustOneMinute: Con Air?
The Lid: C-SPAN Caller Destroys Stelter, Calls CNN “The Enemy Of The Truth”
Legal Insurrection: Suspect In Killing Of Trump Supporter In Portland Identifies As “100% Antifa”, also, Chris Wallace Finally Gets To Interview Joe Biden – At The First Debate
The PanAm Post: Iranian Oil Ships Carry Gold Away From Venezuela
Power Line:  The NFL Takes A Knee, also, Living Up To Joe Expectations
Shark Tank: Net Metering Faces Conflict In Florida
Shot In The Dark: Urban Progressive Privilege – The Free Market Of Ill-Informed, Class Privilege-Sodden Twaddle They Are Pleased To Call “Ideas”
The Political Hat: The Normalization Of Polyamory
This Ain’t Hell: Let’s Call It Overkill, also, Man Surprised To Discover The Pentagon Is Technologically Backwards
Victory Girls: Lockdowns & The CDC Data
Volokh Conspiracy: The Statutory Authority For The Nationwide Eviction Moratorium
Weasel Zippers: Kenosha’s Democrat Mayor Admits “National Guard Has Been Extremely Helpful”, also, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Reportedly Flees Condo After Attacks By Antifa
The Federalist: Three Pieces Of Recycled Collusion Garbage In The Senate Intelligence Report, also, Kanye West On “Black Genocide”
Mark Steyn: Midnight Sun, also, MacDonald Falls

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One Response to “In The Mailbox: 09.03.20 (Afternoon Edition)”

  1. Saturday Roundup of Link Roundups | 357 Magnum
    September 5th, 2020 @ 10:23 am

    […] Wombat-socho at The Other McCain – In The Mailbox: 09.03.20 (Afternoon Edition) […]