The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 09.04.20

Posted on | September 5, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Usual Saturday deadlines for the FMJRA and Rule 5 Sunday are in place (noon and midnight respectively), plus a bunch of my author buddies have a 99 cent sale going on this weekend if you need something to read – and who doesn’t?

357 Magnum: Chicago Needs $2 Billion, Wants Federal Handout
EBL: Celebrate Chianti Day
Twitchy: MSNBC Contributor Compares First Lady To Nazi Sympathizer
Louder With Crowder: Trump Drops Brilliant Ad Appealing To #WalkAway Democrats
Vox Popoli: Hello, Fellow Black People, also, Salvaging Fukuyama
According To Hoyt: Smelling The Smoke, also, Be Good To Yourself
Monster Hunter Nation: Destroyer Of Worlds Is Out!
Stoic Observations: Inside The American Box

American Conservative: The Media Have Lost Their Minds
American Greatness: Portland’s 100% Antifa Murder Suspect Shot Dead By U.S. Marshals
American Power: Belarus, The Kremlin, & The Attack On Alexei Navalny
American Thinker: Democrat Mail Fraud Will Take Us To The Brink
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five You Say You Want A Revolution Friday, also, Friday Evening Culture
Babalu Blog: Joe Biden’s Support Among Florida Hispanics Is Cratering
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For September 4
Cafe Hayek: An Ignorant & Dishonest Performance
Camp of the Saints:
Da Tech Guy: Do These Two Developments Prove The Corona-chan Lockdowns Were Unnecessary? also, Five One-Liners Under Other Peoples’ Fedoras
Don Surber: 8.4% Unemployment As America Rebounds, also, Highlights Of The News
The Geller Report: State Department Records Confirm Ukraine Embassy Was Spying On Journalists & Trump Supporters, also, NYC Restaurants Sue De Blasio & Cuomo For $2 Million Over Indoor Dining Ban
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Add Another City To The List
Hollywood In Toto: Has Joe Rogan Already Waved The White Flag On Free Expression? also, Tenet Is A Riddle Wrapped In A Mystery Blurred By Hubris
The Lid: People Must Stop Defending John McCain – He Ended His Career As A Jerk & Started Russiagate
Legal Insurrection: Thousands Of Massachusetts Mail-In Ballots Found Days After The Election, also, The Atlantic’s Anonymously-Sourced Hit Piece Jump-Starts The Permanent Pre-Election Anti-Trump News Cycle
The PanAm Post: Venezuela “Opposition” Leaders Join The Enemy
Power Line: Have The Democrats Encouraged Urban Violence? also, Watching Joe Go Slow, History Edition
Shark Tank: Democrats Push Back At Opening FL Schools
Shot In The Dark: Blue Fragility – Be It Resolved
STUMP: Mortality With Meep
The Political Hat: The Manichean Right
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, also, America’s Largest Police Union Endorses President Trump
Victory Girls: Trump Scoop By The Atlantic – Real News Or Hit Job?
Volokh Conspiracy: 8th Grader Suspended For Searching “Inappropriate Topics” Such As “Worst WW1 Gun”
Weasel Zippers: Woman Dead For Seven Months Receives Letter Informing Her She Has COVID-19, also, Washington State Highway Patrol Busts #BLM Anarchists For Blocking I-5 With Their Vehicles
The Federalist: Nearly 10 Miles Of Cars Line Up For Trump, also, Trump-Hater Bolton Debunks Anonymous Atlantic Hit Piece
Mark Steyn: Anything Happen? also, Mac The Knifed

Amazon Warehouse Deals


One Response to “In The Mailbox: 09.04.20”

  1. Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup » Pirate's Cove
    September 6th, 2020 @ 9:47 am

    […] The Other McCain has Rule 5 Monday. And goes in the mailbox. […]