The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 10.15.20

Posted on | October 16, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.15.20

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: What Happens When You don’t Enforce The Law?
EBL: Amy Coney Barrett Hearings, Day 4
Twitchy: Rush Invites President Trump Back For A Real Town Hall Away From The Resistance Theatrics
Louder With Crowder: Did Ice Cube Work With Trump On A Black Agenda? Apparently Chris Cuomo Thinks So
Vox Popoli: “Nobody Believes You Guys”, also, Why The Media Is Terrified
Monster HUnter Nation: Back In Facebook Jail
Gab News: WAR – Facebook & Twitter Unleash Mass Censorship To Protect Biden Campaign

American Conservative: Did NIMBYs Save Cities?
American Greatness: Hunter Biden Text Reveals Biden Clan Expected To Give Half Their Earnings To “Pop”
American Power: Big Tech Censors Blockbuster Biden Expose, Discovers Streisand Effect
American Thinker:  Give Me Liberty, Not Marxism, also, The Democrats’ Abuse of Children In 2020
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Barrington Declaration News
Babalu Blog: VP Pence Visits Miami’s Cuban Memorial & Honors Victims Of Castro & Che
BattleSwarm: Hunter Biden’s Smoking Guns
Cafe Hayek: Paul Romer Misreads The Great Barrington Declaration
CDR Salamander: Diversity Thursday
Da Tech Guy: Selling Fear, also, I’m Old Enough To Remember When People Thought Twitter Banning Stacy McCain Wasn’t A Test Run For This Stuff
Don Surber: NBC Actors Call For NBC Boycott Over Trump Exclusive, also, They Think This Hurts Trump
The Geller Report: “Just The Tip Of The Iceberg On The Corrupt Biden Crime Family”, also, SC Elections Chairman Resigns After Being Caught Stealing & Defacing Trump Signs
Hogewash: Twitter Doubles Down, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: The Secret Behind Movies & TV shows Promoting Open Border Policies
JustOneMinute: On Distant Shores
The Lid: CO Democrat Activist Threatens Violence, Murder If Trump Wins
Legal Insurrection: Biden Leaves Door Open To Court-Packing, also, Democrats Whine After Graham Schedules Barrett Vote For October 22
Power Line: Burned After Reading, also, 10% For The Big Guy
Shark Tank: Buttigieg Backs Shevrin Jones’ Campaign
Shot In The Dark: Blue Fragility – It Never Ends
The Political Hat: Turning Fantasy Into History – Lynching, Slavery, & The Corporate Narrative
This Ain’t Hell: Abe & Ted Are Being Avenged, also, Updates On The Army’s New Combat Rifle Competition
Victory Girls: Record Turnout & Lines Isn’t “Voter Suppresion”
Volokh Conspiracy: Biden Partly Clarifies Position On Court-Packing
Weasel Zippers: Twitter “Allegedly” Locks Out Main Trump Campaign Account, also,  E-Mails Reveal How Hunter Biden Tried To Cash In Big With The Red Chinese
The Federalist: Twitter Suspends Trump Campaign Account, also, FCC Chair Says First Amendment Doesn’t Gibe Big Tech “Special Immunity” Over The Press
Mark Steyn: Feeding Time, also, The Last Copier In The Woods Arrives Sooner Than Expected

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