The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Send Ben Sasse to Afghanistan

Posted on | November 18, 2020 | Comments Off on Send Ben Sasse to Afghanistan

Give him a rifle and a one-way ticket to Kabul:

U.S. Senator Ben Sasse, a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, issued the following statement after it was reported that the U.S. is withdrawing thousands of troops from Iraq and Afghanistan.
“Headlines about ‘bringing the boys home’ sound good, but that’s not what’s happening. After this retreat, there will still be American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. The most important question is whether those remaining troops will be able to prevent al-Qaeda, the Islamic State, Iranian proxies, and others from plotting attacks that can spill American blood, or if they will be exposed as jihadis gain ground. Terrorists will exploit vacuums – President Obama’s 2011 withdrawal from Iraq opened the door for ISIS. I fear this weak retreat is not grounded in reality and will make the world a more dangerous place.”

We’ve been there 20 years, and it’s OK with me if the Pentagon wants to maintain a strategic “footprint” in Afghanistan — an airbase with sufficient force to protect our assets — but I’d like some honesty from our leaders about the nature of our mission there. This bellicose rhetoric about a “weak retreat” does not enlighten the public about what we’re doing over there and why we’re doing it. Maintaining a “forward base of operations” just in case Iran or some other future enemy in the region wants to make trouble? Fine. But tell the truth.

Unfortunately, Ben Sasse went to Harvard University, an institution full of traitors, cowards and liars. No honest man would go to Harvard.




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