The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Erstwhile #Resistance Spokesman Now Presumes to Lecture Republican Voters

Posted on | December 5, 2020 | Comments Off on Erstwhile #Resistance Spokesman Now Presumes to Lecture Republican Voters

It’s bad enough that the same people who spent four years denying the legitimacy of the Trump presidency — because RUSSIA! — are now lecturing us about the need to accept a Biden presidency. The people who claimed the 2016 election was “hacked” by Putin are now telling us that it is an outrageous conspiracy theory to doubt the election result based on video showing hidden troves of ballots being counted in the wee hours of the morning after election monitors had left the room.

We have actually seen obituaries of the dead people who “voted” this year, yet we are told there is “no evidence” the election was stolen.

As bad as all this is — and I’ve deliberately avoided paying attention to it, out of concern for maintaining my sanity — do we need fat Democrat millionaires lecturing us about our health?

Filmmaker-activist Michael Moore attempted to reach across the aisle and speak directly to Trump supporters in the latest episode of his “Rumble” podcast this week. But he ended up using his olive branch to deliver a spanking, blaming MAGA nation for spreading the coronavirus and predicting that “many of you are going to die.”
In his podcast, Moore plead with Trump supporters to wear masks and practice social distancing. “I don’t want you to die,” he said, adding perhaps jokingly that it would give him too easy a victory in his battle with the right.
“If we don’t pull together as Americans, we’re not going to get out of this,” Moore said, noting that “It’s in all the red states, it’s growing faster there than anywhere else.”
Moore also offered a grim forecast for those who refuse to get on board with the program. “Many of you are going to die.”
Growing audibly more agitated, the Oscar-winning filmmaker began lashing out at Trump supporters.
“Why do you want to die? Why — to take a stand against us liberals, to show us a thing or two?” he asked. “You’re showing us how to die. Why do you want to do that?”
He added: “In all the places that voted for Trump, people are dropping like flies.”

This is simply not true. It is demonstrably false. In Democrat-controlled New Mexico, for example, the virus is out of control, despite (or perhaps because of) the state’s drastic lockdown regime. The daily death toll from COVID-19 has spiked to record levels in Democrat-controlled California, and this week, the state with the most COVID-19 deaths was not a pro-Trump “red state” stronghold, but Democrat-controlled Illinois.

Anyone — even someone as profoundly stupid as Michael Moore — can find these facts with a quick Google search, so if the truth was easily available and yet Michael Moore is not telling the truth, is there a word for that? Yes, he is lying. Michael Moore is a big fat liar.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to watch some college football. It’s for my mental health. Hit the freaking tip jar. Thank you.



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