The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Can Mere Words Describe How Bad ‘Doctor’ Jill Biden’s Dissertation Really Is?

Posted on | December 17, 2020 | Comments Off on Can Mere Words Describe How Bad ‘Doctor’ Jill Biden’s Dissertation Really Is?

Having endeavored to read the dissertation for which the wife of the alleged President-elect received a Doctorate of Education, Kyle Smith tries to explain how awful it is: “To call Jill Biden’s dissertation thin gruel is an insult to gruel. . . . The dissertation, Student Retention at the Community College: Meeting Students’ Needs, shimmers with the wan, term-papery feel of middle school, although in defense of today’s middle schoolers, they at least know how to use spell-checking software, unlike Mrs. Biden.” The dissertation, Smith tells us, includes “meaningless prattle,” “awkwardly phrased banalities . . . and childlike repetition”:

Biden’s style is atrocious, her research is comical, her reasoning is muddled, and as one finishes the final vacuous line of this student-newspaper-style exercise (“A student retention plan requires diligence and effort — but most of all, leadership”), it is impossible not to be reminded that the University of Delaware, which granted Mrs. Biden an Ed.D. in 2007, is deeply connected to her husband. A more exacting, or even minimally self-respecting, university would have directed Mrs. Biden’s paper to the nearest trash receptacle. Jill Biden looks like yet another member of the Biden family who successfully leveraged the family name to obtain things of value that otherwise would have lain far beyond the reach of someone of such meager talents.

A typical member of the Democratic Party “elite,” in other words.

Tucker Carlson ripped it to shreds Wednesday night:



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