The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler


Posted on | December 22, 2020 | Comments Off on Ode to SCOTUS

by Smitty

SCOTUS took a cruise,
What had it to lose?
Beside everything,
That they did bring,
When a ‘berg she kissed,
She should have missed.

As down the vessel went,
A final moment was spent,
With the Captain on patrol,
Seeking hands for damage control.
“It would help our failing crew
If you penguins would turn to!”

“Three problems beset you, sir.
First, you address us as a cur.
Next, you ended your proposition,
With a dreaded preposition.
Last, our labor shan’t be lent,
Lest we set precedent.”

And thus we see the worth,
Of those who after birth,
Fetish principle so much,
They fail you in the clutch.
Whose bloody-minded reason,
Sees not the proper season.


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