The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 01.06.21

Posted on | January 7, 2021 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Big mood.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1224
357 Magnum: I Thought Cooperation Was The Key To Safety
EBL: Mostly Peaceful Protests At The Capitol
Twitchy: Megyn Kelly Mixes It Up With Tom Nichols – “Your Sanctimony Is Repulsive”
Louder With Crowder: The Media Doesn’t Mind Electoral Objections When Democrats Are Doing It
Vox Popoli: You Won’t Vote Your Way Out, also, Pence Cucks And Runs
Stoic Observations: I Ching & The Jack In The Box Taco

American Conservative: The Republicans Blow It
American Greatness: Georgia Runoff Marred By Irregularities
American Power: Protesters Storm Capitol, Halting Electoral College Certification
American Thinker: Waving Goodbye To The America We All Knew & Loved
Animal Magnetism:  Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Cuba’s Slow Collapse – A Country Running Out Of Food
BattleSwarm: Too Much Stupid To Process
Cafe Hayek: “Protectionism Echoes Luddism”
CDR Salamander: On The Storming Of The Hill
Da Tech Guy: Shades Of Lunenberg At Pelosi’s House, also, Readin’, Writin’ & ‘Rithmetic
Don Surber: Condemn Protest? Naw, Dawg, I’m Good, also, Never Trumpers Got Their Wish
First Street Journal: Politically Correct Crime Reporting
The Geller Report: Photos & Reports Show It Was Antifa Infiltrators Who Stormed The Capitol, also, Unarmed 14-Year Air Force Vet Shot & Killed At Capitol Protest
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, In Re Yesterday & Today
Hollywood In Toto: Second Opinion – A Semi-Defense Of Wonder Woman 1984, also, The Timeless Virtue Of High Noon
The Lid: Electing Warnock Doesn’t Prove Georgia Turned Blue, It Proves They Turned Stupid
Legal Insurrection: Twitter Removes Tweets & Locks Trump’s Account While Facebook Removes Trump Post, also, Trump Tells Supporters He Won’t Concede, Wants To “Primary The Hell” Out Of Republicans Who Won’t Fight
Michelle Malkin: The Zuckerberg Heist
Nebraska Energy Observer: Stop The Steal
Power Line: The Left Claims Another Victim, also, After Last Night
Shark Tank: Rep. Greg Steube On 2020 Election – “Clear Violations Of The Constitution”
Shot In The Dark: Translation Services While You Wait
The Political Hat: Lizard Squad Drains The Swamp!
This Ain’t Hell: Watch Out, Hooters, There’s A New (Military-Themed) Breastaurant In Town, also, This Isn’t Good
Victory Girls: We Cannot Lose Hope In Our Republic
Volokh Conspiracy: Impeach & Remove
Weasel Zippers: Fox News Vote Totals Last Night Went Up, Down, Upside Down All Night, also, We Aren’t Going Away
The Federalist: Twitter Bans Users From Retweeting Trump’s Call For Peace, Rule Of Law, also, DC’s Mayor Bowser Told Federal Law Enforcement To Stand Down The Day Before The Violent Capitol Riot
Mark Steyn: The Madness Of Lockdowns

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One Response to “In The Mailbox: 01.06.21”

  1. Life Is Often Cruel with Post Capital “Storming” Links (17 Pics) | HarshBrutus
    January 7th, 2021 @ 4:52 pm

    […] In The Mailbox: 01.06.21 […]