The Other McCain

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Joe Biden Can’t Even Walk Up Stairs

Posted on | March 19, 2021 | Comments Off on Joe Biden Can’t Even Walk Up Stairs

His Fraudulency is incapable of the simplest tasks:

President Biden on Friday fell while walking up the stairs of Air Force One.
The Democrat, who at 78 became the oldest president to assume the presidency, was caught on video repeatedly tripping on the staircase and catching himself ahead of a flight to Georgia. Biden was able to recover on his own and he continued toward the plane without assistance.
Biden offered a quick salute at the top of the stairs after recovering from his fall.
White House Communications Director Kate Bedingfield took to Twitter to say Biden “is fine,” adding the fall was “nothing more than a misstep on the stairs.” . . .
White House aides have taken great strides during his two months in office to downplay the 78-year-old president’s age. They have limited him to brief speeches that have not required him to stand for long periods and released pictures of him playing with his German Shepherds on the White House’s South Lawn.

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