The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 04.27.21

Posted on | April 27, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 04.27.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Your daily pet hygiene advice.

Bacon Time: Something I Do Now
357 Magnum: Too Little, Too Late – Portland Mayor Wants Order
EBL: Never Forget The Armenian Genocide, also, April Pink Moon Rising
Twitchy: Keith Olbermann Flips Out Over Rose McGowan’s Fox News Appearance
Louder With Crowder: Cop Gives Amazing Response To Moron Asking “Are You Gonna Kill Me Like Ma’Khia Bryant?”
Vox Popoli: The Silence Of The Anklebiters, also, The Shilling Of Superstonk
Gab News: Facebook Deletes 120,000-Member Group Where People Posted Stories Of Alleged Adverse Vaccine Reactions

Adam Piggott: France Vs. ANZACs
American Conservative: Polyamory’s Bourgeois War On Normality
American Greatness: Kerry Tipped Off Iran About Covert Israeli Ops In Syria, also, The New Anti-Racism Is The Old Racism
American Power: Alan Dershowitz, Case Against The New Censorship
American Thinker: Bush Republicanism Must Go Away, also, How To Starve Big Tech
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Was Jaime Cardinal Ortega An Agent Of Castro’s Interior Ministry?
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For April 23, also, NC Lieutenant Governor Isn’t Having Any Of This Voter Suppression Nonsense
Behind The Black: Bill Nelson Now An Advocate Of Private Commercial Space? also, Red China, Russia Sign Agreement To Build Moon Base
Cafe Hayek: The Age Profile Of COVID’s Victims Is Indeed Relevant
CDR Salamander: The Lessons Of Service Squadron 10 On Midrats, also, The Spy In Your Pocket
Da Tech Guy: To Reign, Divide – This Is The Goal Of Critical Race Theory, also, Race, Race, & More Race To The Bottom Under The Fedora
Don Surber: Why The Oscars Lost Half Their Audience
First Street Journal: The Lexington Herald-Leader Finally Publishes A Picture Of A Criminal Suspect, also, The Credentialed Media Are The Ones Telling Us Black Lives Don’t Matter
The Geller Report: German-Egyptian Scholar Says Arabs Enslaved Africans More Than Anyone Else, also, Hollywood Elite Turns Oscars Into Far-Left Hate Rally Against Cops
Hogewash: An Interesting Connection, The Return Of Johnny Atsign, and Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day 
Hollywood In Toto: Mortal Kombat Delivers Exactly What Gamers Want, also, Pandemic Oscars – One Big Yawn
The Lid: Woke Levi Strauss CEO Condemns Georgia Voter Law But Can’t Explain Why It’s Racist
Legal Insurrection: UC Berkeley Seeks Employee To Run “Climate Healing Circles” With “BIPOC” Activists, also, Howard U Students Protest Cutting Of Classics Department
Nebraska Energy Observer: Random Observations, also, Happy ANZAC Day!
Outkick: 24-Year LAPD Vet Deon Joseph Asks For Meeting With LeBron James, also, Newspaper Leads With COVID Fear Porn About UFC Event
Power Line: Joe Biden’s Anti-American Foreign Policy, also, The Friends Of John Kerry
Shark Tank: FL Redistricting Will Help GOP, But Not Much
Shot In The Dark: Pondering, also, A Little Concerning
STUMP: Weekend Videos
The Political Hat: Woke Political Propaganda In Santa Clara
This Ain’t Hell: Six More Return, also, Why Look For Work When Uncle Sam Pays Me Not To Work?
Transterrestrial Musings: Connecting The Dots, also, NASA’s Starship Award
Victory Girls: Salon Strikes Again
Volokh Conspiracy: A Sanctuary State Of The Right
Weasel Zippers: Meanwhile In Miami, also, When Kamala Asked Why She’s Not Going To The Border She Says “I’m Not Going To Play Political Games” 
The Federalist: Increasingly Woke Oscars Hit All-Time Ratings Low, Lose Half Of Last Year’s Audience, also, Top Ten Sickening Details About How Federal Emplyees Trafficked In Baby Body Parts
Mark Steyn: Gentlemen & Bicyclists, also, Spectre

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