The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Creepy Joe Gets Even Creepier

Posted on | May 30, 2021 | Comments Off on Creepy Joe Gets Even Creepier

It’s a pity that Vladimir Nabokov isn’t alive to write an op-ed column about our nation’s Creep-in-Chief, who apparently can’t help himself, saying out loud the kind of things Humbert Humbert might have written in his diary. The occasion was a presidential visit to a military base in Hampton, Virginia, on the Friday before Memorial Day. The focus of the event was military families, and the brass had arranged to have a postcard ideal — Brittany Bean and her three children, whose father Maj. Nathaniel Bean is currently deployed in Afghanistan. In her introductory remarks, First Lady Jill Biden mentioned that Brittany is herself a veteran, and that Maj. Bean’s current Afghanistan tour is the Bean family’s seventh combined overseas deployment.

The couple have three children, two sons, Jordan and Nathan, and a daughter named Margaret Catherine, who can’t be older than 7. While the president didn’t paw young Margaret on camera as we’ve seen him do in previous episodes of the Creepy Uncle Joe Show, he nevertheless managed to embarrass himself by remarking spontaneously: “I’m especially honored to share the stage with Brittany, and Jordan and Nathan and Margaret Catherine. I love those barrettes in your hair, man, I’ll tell you what, look at her, she looks like she’s nineteen years old sitting there like a little lady with her legs crossed.”

Certainly it is not my intent to defend His Fraudulency, but let’s admit this: No actual child molester would be so blatant about his interest in little girls. It’s almost as if Biden is campaigning for honorary membership in the National Sex Offender Registry, telegraphing to the world, “Don’t let me within 500 yards of a public school.”

No wonder the Lincoln Project supports him so enthusiastically, eh?



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