The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Never Doubt God Answers Prayer

Posted on | July 14, 2021 | Comments Off on Never Doubt God Answers Prayer

You wouldn’t believe what can happen sometimes in a blogger’s life, and I am not at liberty to tell you what happened this afternoon, and maybe you wouldn’t think it was miraculous, but of this I am certain: It was no accident. God sent me where I needed to go, to do what needed to be done, and how could such a thing have happened randomly?

During our conversation, I said: “Think about Joseph — sold into slavery by his own brothers.” And then recounted everything that happened up until Joseph confronted his brothers and said to them, “You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good.” The Lord moves in mysterious ways, and when you’re enduring tribulation, just remember that there must be some reason behind all this, some lesson to be learned from your suffering. God is testing you, preparing you for a future purpose.

The other person thanked me for my generosity and I was like, what? No, my motives were entirely selfish. As I say I’m not at liberty to discuss the details, but the duty of gratitude is all mine. Selah.



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