The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

College Softball Lesbian Sex Scandal!

Posted on | August 28, 2021 | Comments Off on College Softball Lesbian Sex Scandal!

C.J. Browder and Katie Rietkovich were softball teammates in college, and also teammates off the field, as the two lesbian softball players got married in December 2019. C.J. had been an assistant coach at Louisiana Tech, while Katie got a job as assistant coach at Ole Miss.

This was not a scandal. Everybody in college sports knows that “varsity softball” is a synonym for lesbian. There may be heterosexual women playing Division I softball somewhere, but I’ve never heard of one. Despite the notorious prevalence of homosexuality in women’s varsity athletics, however, you don’t expect to see this kind of story:

Members from Ole Miss’ softball coaching staff are under a Title IX investigation after complaints were filed against assistant Katie Rietkovich Browder for her involvement in a sexual misconduct case involving two players from the team. The team’s head coach, Jamie Trachsel, has also been cited in the report for knowing of the situation, but remaining silent on the misconduct from Browder. . . .
Browder’s sexual misconduct was detailed as the assistant coach being romantically involved with a student-athlete on the team, who was concurrently dating a teammate on the Rebels’ softball squad. Texts sent by Browder were discovered by the partner, alerting her of the affair going on between her girlfriend and coach. The events took place in July.
Once coaches got involved in the case, the two student-athletes were reportedly bribed with “scholarship money” to keep the story under wraps.
“Based on these new allegations, Head Coach Jamie Trachsel has now violated NCAA Bylaw for Unethical Conduct and the Conduct of Athletic Personal Responsibility of the Head Coach,” states the letter to [Ole Miss athletic director Keith] Carter. . . .
The two coaches under investigation were also cited for strange declarations in their time at Ole Miss after making subtle political commentary regarding conservative-minded players on the team.
“If my wife or other people in my family voted for Trump then all they would be doing is hurting me,” said asst. coach Browder, during a Zoom call with Ole Miss officials.

The lesbian coach who molested one of her players hates Trump? I’m shocked, but what’s even more shocking is the suggestion that there could be “conservative-minded players” — Trump voters? perhaps even heterosexuals? — on a Division I varsity softball team.

But of course, it’s impossible to confirm such a far-fetched rumor.

UPDATE: Of course, the Daily Mail is on the story — the British press loves lesbian sex scandals as much as I do — but still no confirmation that there may be heterosexual players on the Ole Miss team.



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