The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

A Death in New Jersey

Posted on | January 28, 2022 | 1 Comment

“Daniel J. Ackley, age 33 of Millville, passed away suddenly on January 4, 2022,” according to his obituary, a masterpiece of understatement. The muzzle velocity of a standard 9-mm pistol is about 1,250 feet per second, which is pretty doggone sudden. The late Daniel Ackley was armed with a large knife — so large that responding police officers thought it was a machete — at a trailer home in Millville when a female relative called 911:

In the first call, a woman describing the situation says Ackley has a history of getting angry and uncontrollable and he doesn’t really know why — to which the dispatcher asks if he needs the police or an ambulance to take him to a facility. The woman agrees. . . .
A second call is then made, saying that Ackley has now gone outside and is holding a knife.

The headline calls Ackley a “Troubled Iraq Veteran,” as if threatening people with knives were more common among Iraq veterans than among, for example, Philadelphia residents. We don’t know if Ackley’s military service had anything to do with his final outburst of knife-wielding craziness, although 30 seconds before he got shot, he helpfully informed the officers, “I’ve been to Iraq, bitch!” When one of the officers said, “I don’t want to shoot you,” Ackley showed a high level of political awareness by responding, “I’m not black enough to be shot?”

Turns out there are limits to “white privilege” in New Jersey.

Nobody looted Best Buy. No statues were toppled. White guys get shot by cops all the time, and CNN never seems to notice.



One Response to “A Death in New Jersey”

  1. Sunday Linkage « Bacon Time !!!!!!
    January 30th, 2022 @ 3:01 am

    […] A Death in New Jersey […]
