The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 02.22.22

Posted on | February 23, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 02.22.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

“…and so it was proclaimed throughout the land of r/animemes that this day would be forever known as Zero Twosday.”
Silicon Valley delenda est.

It’s a girl! It’s a dinosaur! It’s Zero Two!

EBL: Ted Turner Suicidal? also, Ukraine, You Are So Screwed
Twitchy: Justin Trudeau’s Slam On Putin Melts Projection Detectors Everywhere, also, Grope & Flail – The #FreedomConvoy Protests Revealed “The Ugly Side Of Freedom”
Louder With Crowder: Kyle Rittenhouse Drops A Few Names That Might Want To Lawyer Up, Cardi B Clarifies Position On Ukraine After Twitter Confusion (NOT A PARODY), and Mike Rowe Blasts PM Zoolander For Turning Truckers Into Villains
Vox Popoli: Arktoons Hits 5 Million, The Jester’s Privilege, and Russia Recognizes Donbass Republics

Adam Piggott: How Can We Achieve Our Freedom?
American Conservative: Don’t Eat The Bugs, also, The Fall Of The Meritocracy
American Greatness: Freedom Convoy Organizer Tamara Lich Denied Bail On Charges Of “Mischief”
American Power: Xi Jinping’s Power Grab, also, Putin Orders Troops Into Donetsk & Lugansk
American Thinker: The Democrats Are Turning America Into The New Venezuela
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Settlement News
Babalu Blog: Amidst Island-Wide Shortages, Cuba’s Dictatorship Is Selling Food To Red China, also, Fifth Sunday Of Castro Regime Arresting Ladies In White Trying To Attend Church
BattleSwarm: Am I Paranoid Enough? also, Jordan Peterson Wants You To Wake Up
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans, Deformed Martian Craters, and A Thumbnail Bio Of George Washington
Cafe Hayek: Konstantin Kisin Explains Vaccine Hesitancy
CDR Salamander: Putin – First Person Spoken Word
Da Tech Guy: Report From Louisiana – This & That, Five More Canadian Tyranny Thoughts Under The Fedora, and Joe Vs. Vlad
Don Surber: Canadian Protest Turns Violent, WaPo Puts Down Freedom As White, and A Press Unworthy Of America
First Street Journal: If Someone Was Out To Destroy Transgender Acceptance, What Would They Be Doing Differently? also, Tulsi Goes To CPAC
Gates Of Vienna: Austria Turns On A Dime, The Doxxing Of Canada, and Never Waste An Opportunity For More Refugees
The Geller Report: NYC Stands With Truckers Against Canadian Tyranny, also, Majority Of Democrats Back PM Zoolander’s Tyrannical Crackdown
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, NGC 6217, and I’m Not Making This Up, You Know
Hollywood In Toto: Here’s The Best Biden Impersonation, Period, DC Comics Artist Bounces Back By Defying Woke Mob, and Late Night TV Just Got Even More Liberal
The Lid: How Joe Biden Created The Ukraine Crisis, also, Armed Antifa Confront Armed Portland Homeowner – One Dead, Five Wounded
Legal Insurrection: Adult Transgender Child Molester Brags Of Light Sentence In Juvenile Jail, Israel Rated More Democratic Than U.S., Spain, Italy, & South Africa – Amnesty International Hardest Hit, and NC Schools Allow Kids To Change Name & Sex Without Parental Consent
Michelle Malkin: Thank You, Tom Tancredo
Nebraska Energy Observer: Sunday Matinee Returns, Freedom Convoys, and Pleas & Sadness
Outkick: The Winter Olympics’ TV Ratings Sucked…Real Bad, Katherine Webb Still Has Brent Musburger’s Back After All These Years, and Annie Agar Should Not Have Apologized
Power Line: Remembering The Indispensable Man, The Democrats’ Selective Authoritarianism, and History is Back
Shark Tank: GOP Lawmakers Turn On Sabatini, also, FL GOP Responds To Carlos Smith’s Failed Amendment To “Don’t Say Gay” Bill
Shot In The Dark: Someone Else’s Backyard, also, We’re In The Best Of Hands
The Political Hat: End Political Litmus Tests In Education, also, Ain’t No Cure For The Manichean View
This Ain’t Hell: Another Accounted For, Texas Hotel To Pay Damages For Refusing Service To Disabled Vet W/Service Dog, and American Democrats Strongly Favor PM Zoolander’s Crackdown On Freedom Convoy
Transterrestrial Musings: Counting Calories Burned, Thoughts On Academic Freedom, and Good News
Victory Girls: Canadian Parliament Votes For Tyranny, also, Tamara Lich Accused Of Pre-Crime, Denied Bail
Volokh Conspiracy: Justice Sotomayor’s Statement In Ortiz v. Breslin
Weasel Zippers: NASCAR Fans Can’t Stop Chanting “F*** Joe Biden”, Bob Beckel Dead At 83, and Inflation Hits 10%
The Federalist: What Made Abraham Lincoln Grow Stronger In Adversity, After Slandering Loudoun County Parents, CNN Is Trapped By San Francisco Recalls, and Once Again Joe Biden Has Failed A Foreign Policy Test
Mark Steyn: Blues In The Night, The Permanent Emergency, and Putin Makes His Move

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