The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 03.04.22

Posted on | March 5, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 03.04.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Also available at Pawn Stars Kiev office: slightly used Russian tanks, APCs, draftees…

EBL: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Back On Death Row, also, “True Conservative” Egg McMuffin Paid Himself $3 Million, Stiffed Vendors
Twitchy: Elon Musk – “Hate To Say It, But We Need To Increase Oil & Gas Output Immediately”, also, Lincoln Project Grifter Calls Out Gov. DeSantis For “Embarrassing Teenagers In Public” – OOPS
Louder With Crowder: Loser Stacey Abrams Compares herself To Ukraine’s Zelensky
Vox Popoli: Yeah, That’s Not How This Works, The Nuclear False Flag, and Can Confirm
According To Hoyt: Sailing Conspiratorial Seas, also, Pudding Heads
Monster Hunter Nation: This Is Comedy Gold, also, March Current Event Roundup
Gab News: The Deplatforming Of A Nation-State

Adam Piggott: Breitbart Reappraised
American Conservative: The Causes Of The Russo-Ukrainian War
American Greatness: Once A Cable News Darling, Dr. Fauci Now Relegated To Local TV & YouTube
American Power: Why The Ukraine Crisis Is The West’s Fault, also, A Flourishing Democracy In Ukraine?
American Thinker: About Those “Neo-Nazis” In Ukraine
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Seeking Beauty Friday
Babalu Blog: Cuban Regime Attacks Canadian Firm For Not Giving Them A Cut Of Foreign Remittances, also, Cuba’s Socialist “Revolution”
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For March 4
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, Confirmed – Tomorrow’s OneWeb Launch From Baikonur Scrubbed, and UK Rocket Startup Skyrora Hit Hard By Ukraine War
Cafe Hayek: On Human Responsibility, also, “In Praise Of Petroleum”
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: Putin Has An Out That Biden Will Jump At, also, I’m Very Iffy About The Use Of Guilt By Association To Counter Russia
Don Surber: 246 Years Ago Today, A Convoy Saved Boston, also, Don’t Be Neoconned Again
First Street Journal: “I’m From The Government & I’m Here To Help!”, also, The New Complaint From The Left About Refugees
Gates Of Vienna: Islamic Jew-Hatred, Bullied & Beaten For Being Swedish, and Woman-On-The-Street Interview In Russia
The Geller Report: Fear Of Trump Kept Putin Out Of Ukraine, also, Pfizer Vaccine Has EIGHT PAGES Of Side Effects
Hogewash: Warp Factor, also, Keeping Warm & Fed
Hollywood In Toto: Batman & Robin – Holy Stink Bombs! also, Bruce Willis’ Day To Die Is Latest Insult To His Fans & Co-Stars
The Lid: NY School District Spied On Parents’ Social Media, Shared With Employers, Got Parents Fired
Legal Insurrection: California Supremes Order UC-Berkeley To Freeze Enrollment, Law Professor Sentenced To Re-Education Camp, and The Case For Keystone XL
Nebraska Energy Observer: Scattershot Friday
Outkick: LSU Football Coach Brian Kelly Should Have Looked Closer At Frank Wilson, John Fulkerson Feels “Blessed” to Get One More Home Game At Tennessee, and Breast Implants Left Kelly Stafford Feeling Deflated
Power Line: Why Are COVID Restrictions Coming Off?, The Incompetence Of The Biden Regime, and The Madness Of Slow Joe – Iran Edition
Shark Tank: DeSantis Flexes, Vows To Veto GOPe Redistricting Map
Shot In The Dark: Leave Bad Enough Alone, also, The Sound Of Someone Who Has Never Spent A Day In The Private Sector
The Political Hat: Firing Line Friday – A Princely Look At Russia & Eastern Europe
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, Russian General Killed, and History Repeating?
Transterrestrial Musings: The World’s Weak Leadership, Putin’s Determination, and The Limits Of Libertarianism
Victory Girls: Lindsey Graham Encourages Russians To Assassinate Putin
Volokh Conspiracy: Biden Grants Temporary Protected Status To Ukrainians In The U.S. 
Weasel Zippers: Clyburn Justifies DOJ Targeting ParentsRussia Bans Facebook, and Meghan Markle’s Sister Sues Her For Lying About Their Upbringing
The Federalist: Leftists Backpedaling At Full Speed From The Horrific Results Of Their Policies, After Banning Trump For Denouncing Violence, Twitter Lets Putin Keep His Account, and We Must Reopen ANWR
Mark Steyn: The Globalist Safe Space, also, War In Europe – Day Nine

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