The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Ode to Dobbs

Posted on | June 24, 2022 | Comments Off on Ode to Dobbs

by Smitty

Among the sadder things one sees
Are those invested in the wrong
Who claim their prison makes them free
And gladly sing an evil song

They say that “Two and two make four”
Is some kind of fascist means
Of enslaving random poor
And furthering oppresion schemes

And snuffing kids is “Women’s health”
(Though not for girls done in thereby)
The wise know children are our wealth
Gifts from Lord of Earth and sky

Today a blight as thick as Thebes’*
Was lifted from a weary land
To howls from love’s demonic thieves
Who feel their power as grains of sand

Drift away as those who own
Ears to hear and eyes to see
Grasp wisdom that has been shown:
Truth will out, most patiently

*Oedipus ref.


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