The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Annual Admiral Of The Ocean Sea Appreciation Post

Posted on | October 11, 2022 | Comments Off on The Annual Admiral Of The Ocean Sea Appreciation Post

— by Wombat-socho

Well, actually, Stacy did a damn fine job already talking about Almirante Colombo and why he still triggers the uneducated wokies among us, so I’ll confine myself to posting some pertinent memes by folks on the Intertubes, recommending some books, and mourning a couple of folks who are no longer with us.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

Not sorry at all, really

Getting the bad news out of the way first, ornery blogger Grouchy Old Cripple died last week. Loyal Reader RH pointed out this post, which is a riposte to Vox Day’s seemingly unending mockery of the boomers, and fairly typical of Denny’s work. Since I don’t read the Red Star (Tribune) or the St. Paul Pioneer Press any more, I also missed the passing of Dr. Ronald Glasser, author of 365 Days, one of the 21 books I blogged about when I started reviewing books here at The Other McCain. It’s more than a little embarrassing that I lived not too far from Dr. Glasser when I was in Minnesota, and it never occurred to me to look him up and have him sign my copy of the book.

I’ve been rereading a lot of stuff lately, most notably Neal Stephenson’s Cryptonomicon and the BIll James Historical Baseball Abstract, but I did manage to squeeze in the first two volumes in the Mammon trilogy by Robert Kroese. In the hands of another author, in another time, this would have been a stirring tale of man’s heroic capture of an asteroid with enough wealth to make most of Earth fairly well off. Unfortunately, the hero of this story is no Delos D. Harriman or Laurie Jo Hansen, and the United States government is far more corrupt and thuggish than Heinlein or Pournelle thought possible. (Which, considering how dark Pournelle’s vision of the Feds is in High Justice, is saying quite a bit.) Kroese’s dark tale reads like the prequel to Stephenson’s Snow Crash, where things are falling apart because the money is worthless and the center is losing control. It was a depressing yet fascinating read; the first two books are available on Kindle Unlimited and the concluding volume is an inexpensive $4.99. Worth your time.

Now for an abbreviated Over The Transom.

Stoic Observations: Cultural Edification vs. Empowerment
Director Blue: An Illustrated Proletariat Poetry Reading 
A Bad American: Drag Queens Behind Pulpits?
357 Magnum: Electric Vehicles Vs. Salt Water
Gab News: GabPay – The PayPal Alternative

Back to the normal link posts tomorrow.

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