The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Crazy People Are Dangerous (and They’re Working for the Biden Administration)

Posted on | November 30, 2022 | 1 Comment

Sam Brinton is self-evidently crazy. He is daft, deranged, bonkers, berserk, a few fries short of a Happy Meal and cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.

Exactly why Joe Biden would appoint this lunatic to a job working with nuclear technology in the Department of Energy — well, Democrats do crazy things all the time, and appointing a “genderfluid” kook to be Deputy Assistant Secretary is probably about par for the course.

Hire crazy people, you get crazy scandals. Brinton “was charged with a felony last month for allegedly stealing a woman’s luggage”:

The incident allegedly occurred at Minneapolis-St. Paul (MSP) International Airport on September 16 when a woman arriving from New Orleans went to the baggage carousel only to find that her navy blue Vera Bradley roller bag was missing. . . .
Law enforcement at the Minneapolis-St. Paul (MSP) International Airport were alerted to a missing suitcase in the baggage claim area on Sept. 16. The adult female victim said she flew into MSP on a Delta flight from New Orleans and went to retrieve her checked bag at carousel seven.
Airport records confirmed the navy blue Vera Bradley roller bag arrived at 4:40 p.m. but was missing from the carousel. So law enforcement reviewed video surveillance footage from the baggage claim area and observed Brinton removing a navy blue roller bag from carousel seven, according to a criminal complaint.
The complaint says Brinton removed a luggage tag from the bag, placed it into a handbag he was carrying, and “then left the area at a quick pace.” Brinton arrived at MSP Airport around 4:27 p.m. on an American Airlines flight from Washington, D.C., but did not check a bag, meaning he had no reason to visit baggage claim, according to the complaint.
The female victim, who estimated the bag cost $2,325, confirmed to police that the navy blue bag that Brinton took in the surveillance footage indeed belonged to her. Brinton later took an Uber to the InterContinental St. Paul Riverfront hotel where he checked in with the blue bag, according to the criminal complaint. He later returned to the airport on September 18 with the same bag in hand when he departed for Washington, DC.
On October 9, police questioned Brinton about the bag and if he “took anything that did not belong” to him. Brinton reportedly responded, “Not that I know of.”
“If I had taken the wrong bag, I am happy to return it, but I don’t have any clothes for another individual. That was my clothes when I opened the bag,” he told the police.
Two hours after the interview, Brinton then allegedly called the investigating officer and admitted to not being “completely honest.” According to Brinton, he mistakenly took the navy blue bag due to him being tired from his trip and “got nervous” upon realizing that the bag belonged to someone else when arriving at his hotel room. Not knowing what to do, Brinton then allegedly told police that he left the woman’s clothes in the hotel room drawers and took the bag with him anyway in order to keep up appearances.
Brinton has allegedly not returned the bag to the female victim and police said no clothing was recovered from the hotel room. His first court hearing is scheduled for December 19 in Hennepin County.

Ace of Spades had fun with the shifting stories told by Brinton. I’m dubious of the claim that the stolen bag and its contents were worth more than $2,000, because you can get a Vera Bradley bag for about $500, and who puts $1,500 worth of stuff in their luggage? But the biggest question is why would Brinton steal somebody’s luggage? You’re a Deputy Assistant Secretary and you’re acting like some kind of petty thief?

It doesn’t make sense, but that’s just the way it is with lunatics — their behavior doesn’t make sense, like when 81 million people decided that Joe Biden should be President of the United States, a completely crazy choice that has had predictably crazy consequences.

“Brinton led a ‘Kink 101’ session at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. The photo shows Brinton in a dress, standing over three kneeling males with leather bondage-style dog masks on their heads.”

This is what happens when you elect Democrats, which is why no sane adult would ever vote for Democrats: Crazy People Are Dangerous.



One Response to “Crazy People Are Dangerous (and They’re Working for the Biden Administration)”

  1. Journolism! – THE FIRST STREET JOURNAL.
    November 30th, 2022 @ 9:19 am

    […] Also see: Nine Bookout, The Victory Girls, Gender Fluid DOE Official Charged With Felony, and Robert Stacy McCain, The Other McCain, Crazy People Are Dangerous (and They’re Working for the Biden Administration) […]
