The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 12.12.22

Posted on | December 13, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 12.12.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

A View From The Beach: Army Returns To Its 1980s Slogan
357 Magnum: Disney’s CEO Doesn’t Like The Second Amendment
EBL: Fusion Breakthrough?, So far, Musk is not backing down to the woke left, and Sam Bankman Fried Arrested In The Bahamas
Twitchy: Scott Kelly Tries Shaming Elon Musk Over Pronouns, Gets Rekt, also, Vindman’s Dependapotamus Rages At NBC For Telling The Truth
Louder With Crowder: Customer makes mistake of attacking Popeye’s employee, catches a side of these hands instead of mashed potatoes, Elon Musk slaughters another progressive sacred cow, declares his new preferred anti-Fauci pronouns, and ‘Neither good nor kind’: Elon Musk launches woke astronaut into orbit over Fauci, truth about pronouns
Vox Popoli: Death at the World Cup, Twitter Confessions, Free Trade is Dead, and Drawing Lines in the Sand

Adam Piggott: Women in Pants
American Conservative: US Military Going To The Dogs, Trading in Weakness, and Sex & The Final Christian Generation
American Greatness: Where’s the Outrage?, A Credible Conservative Warrior Emerges to Lead the RNC, Arizona Governor Stacks Shipping Containers to Create Makeshift Border Wall, and Our Parasitic Generation
American Thinker: Dementia: 2022’s Word of the Year, Raiding Arizona, Cooking the Books: Why Republicans Always Come up Short, and Maricopa or Die
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: ‘Cuban Privilege’ book presentation at FIU met by protests and rebukes by Cuban exiles, Cuban dictatorship receives visiting delegation of Democrats from Congress, Twitter and Brazil, too?, and Cuba’s Public Transportation Minister admits gross failure of the entire system he directs
Baldilocks: Not So Crazy After All
BattleSwarm: VAMPIRE: America’s New Discount Technical Rocket System, also, Melitopol Strike, Black Market Stingers, And Gusts From The Fog of War
Behind The Black: Bill imposes new and odious regulation on private space stations and satellites, Remembering Apollo 17, fifty years after the last manned mission to the Moon, NOAA once again over-predicts the hurricane count, NASA extends Boeing’s contract to produce more SLS rockets, and Today’s blacklisted American: Judge orders Philadelphia to stop blacklisting Christopher Columbus
Cafe Hayek: On Social Media Suppression of Expression, Freeman Essay #146: “It Just Ain’t So!”, and Are Free Traders Guilty of Naïve Globalism?
CDR Salamander: A Week of Maritime Good Tidings? on Midrats, also, So, I guess it will be “Sino-Saudi” as “Saudi-Sino” is Even Harder to Say
Chicago Boyz: Not Just Invention, But Deployment
Da Tech Guy: Satan clubs are coming to an elementary school near you!, Twitter Files Part 4 Now going out, plus the key tweet outside of it., I Must Admit I Feel Honored, and Behold Cerberus, the three-headed beast who wants to rule all of us
Don Surber: We owe Brittney Griner nothing, We don’t have a free press, and The new castrato
First Street Journal: Why would anyone want to become a cop these days?, also, Have we learned nothing?
Gates Of Vienna: Verdict in the Leonie Case, Qatar Talk, The Muslim Brotherhood in Austria, Part 4, and Thoughts After a Visit to Poland
The Geller Report: AZ Whistleblower: Chain Of Custody For OVER 298,942 Maricopa County Ballots Delivered To Runbeck On Election Day Did Not Exist, Employees Allowed To Add Family Members’ Ballots Without Any Documentation, Elon Musk Invites Banned Stanford Professor to Twitter Headquarters, The “Merchant of Death” We Traded Loves America More Than Brittney Griner Does, and Court Permanently Blocks Biden Administration’s Transgender Mandate
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, Perseus A, Another Trip Gets Cancelled, Messier 43, and I’m Not Making This Up, You Know
Hollywood In Toto: Empire of Light Is a Glorious Visual Feast (But Not Much Else), Sebastian Maniscalco Goes Nuclear on Woke Schools, Bill Maher Praises Twitter Files Journalist Bari Weiss, The Free Press, and AOC’s Climate Change Doc To the End Scores Just $80 Per Theater
The Lid:  Country Star John Rich, Ben Carson, And Larry Elder Launch Bank For Patriots, What Qatar’s World Cup Learned From Hitler’s Olympics, and They Helped Zuckerberg Skew 2020 Voting And Have Started Working On 2024
Legal Insurrection: Access to Pomona College ‘Safe Space’ Allegedly Based on Race, University of Vermont Hosts ‘Sex Toy Bingo’ Using Tuition Dollars, Retired Navy SEAL Detransitions, Shares His Experience, And Has A Warning For America, Finally, The Gibson’s Bakery Family Has Been Paid By Oberlin College, and Legal Insurrection 2022 Year-End Report And Fundraiser
Nebraska Energy Observer: Laughter is good like, also, Gaudete Sunday, Advent III
Outkick: Brittney Griner Returns To America With A Completely Different Appearance, Kyler Murray Goes Down With Non-Contact Injury On Monday Night Football, 12U Football Player Jeremiah Johnson Leaves The Internet Shook, Brock Purdy’s Dad Gets Emotional After Seeing His Son Throw TD Pass, Jemele Hill’s New Book Has Sold Just 5,034 Copies Proving To Be Her Latest Epic Failure, and Former Soccer Player Who Refused to Kneel Allowed to Continue With Lawsuit
Power Line: The Sewer of Elite Education, Silence of the shams, and The Daily Chart: ESG on the Rocks
Shark Tank: Byron Daniels – House GOP Should Make No Major Deals With Democrats
Shot In The Dark: Let Them Eat Pasta!, also, Dissonance, Cognitively
STUMP: Central States Teamsters Pension Fund finally gets its bailout money, as planned — now what?
This Ain’t Hell: Vietnam Veteran tries to get Veterans Wall away from Walmart restrooms, Col Joe Kittinger, who made a parachute jump from space, dies aged 94, Army officer couple taking “woke” to new level, 20-17 Army, and Air Force future
Transterrestrial Musings: Loss Of A Pioneer, Oops, The Fusion Constant, and My Thoughts On Artemis
Victory Girls: Tis The Season For Dumping On Christmas, Elon Musk Claps At Fauci And The Deep State Claps Back, and Harry and Meghan: On The “Strategic Charm Offensive”
Volokh Conspiracy: No Gag Order Against Extrajudicial Commentary in AR-15-Related Intellectual Property Case, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin Seeks to Expand Housing by Curbing Zoning, and America’s Rifle
Watts Up With That: Looking For the Official Party Line on Energy Storage, Green Raw Deal: Climate Fanaticism Has Put Us Full Throttle On The Highway To Hell, and Have Embarrassing Failed Predictions Taught Climate Scientists to be Cautious?
Weasel Zippers: Senate Democrats Propose $350 Million Annually For Abortion Travel, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) Gushes Over Biden’s Foreign Policy, Elton John Announces He’s Leaving Twitter, Outraged Over Lack Of Censorship, and Shocker: Biden Transportation Sec. Pete Buttigieg A Climate Change Hypocrite
The Federalist: Twitter Employees Found Trump Didn’t Violate Policies, Then Banned Him Anyway, Maricopa County’s ‘Maladministration’ Of 2022 Elections Cost Kari Lake The Governor’s Race, Lawsuit Claims, 10 Troublemakers Who Belong On Santa’s Naughty List This Year, American Girl’s Politicized Product Lines Began Long Before Its Latest Gender-Bending Book, and High School African American Studies Program Is Less History, More Marxism And Voodoo
Mark Steyn: Agony of Defeat: Postwar Japan and The Emperor’s Naked Army Marches On, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, The Mark Steyn Show – live Monday to Thursday!, and Tal Bachman: Happy 100th Birthday, Charles Schulz

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