The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 01.24.23

Posted on | January 24, 2023 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ah, that would be the ideal way to end the wretched mess that is “Velma”…Mindy Kaling’s self-insert being hauled off by the Scooby Gang, who have all grown up to be cops, while she wails “And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it wasn’t for those racist white people!”
Silicon Valley delenda est.

The good ending we’ll never see.

357 Magnum: Lies of Omission By NPR Are Still Lies
EBL: Henry Knox and the Cannons of Fort Ticonderoga, also, Pope Benedict Publishes Posthumously?
Twitchy: School Board Member Doubles Down On “Whiteness Is Evil” Tweet, also, Just When We Think Robert Reich Can’t Out-Stupid Himself
Louder With Crowder: Crowder sits down with Tim Pool to set the record straight on Stop Big Con, the drama…ALL of it, YouTubers who pretend to steal your luggage at the airport as a ‘prank’ meet someone who didn’t find it funny, and Mark Hamill does unthinkable and likes a JK Rowling tweet, gets attacked by First Order of Woke stormtroopers
Vox Popoli: Pedos on the Police Force, Category Errors, /pol/ is Always Right, and Scott Adams is a Sore Loser

Adam Piggott: Greasy Pole #25 – The Internet episode
American Conservative: Elementary Classrooms As Revolutionary Cells
American Greatness: Missouri AG Threatens to Prosecute Columbia School Officials After Students Were Subjected to Drag Show Without Parents’ Knowledge, Police Injured by ‘Friendly Fire’ on January 6, and Overpopulation Via Immigration Is Destroying America’s Environment
American Thinker: COVID Vaxes – It’s Not ‘The More the Merrier’
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Stupid Ideas News
Babalu Blog: Buenos Aires plastered with signs calling for release of political prisoners in Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua, Cuban dictatorship owes its British lawyers over $3 million in fees, and ‘Thaba’ – New shop in Havana where you can look at products but not buy them
BattleSwarm: In Which I Fail To Write About Jeremy Clarkson, also, Peter Zeihan on A Second Holodomor in Ukraine
Behind The Black:  Communications issue shuts down one of Webb’s instruments, Jupiter and two of its Moons, as seen by Cassini during 2018 fly-by, Curiosity’s drill fails for the fourth time to drill into the marker band layer on Mt Sharp, and Today’s blacklisted American: Pro-parent event silenced by threats of violence from leftist queers
Cafe Hayek: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: “Coase’s valuable insights into market economies”
CDR Salamander: The German Problem…is our Problem
Da Tech Guy: The Corleone family had olive oil as a front business; the Bidens have politics, Under the Fedora, Stacy Called it in Atlanta (Only without the killing) and the GA AG confirms it, and Is it time to shut down the FBI?
Dana Loesch: More Classified Documents Found In Biden’s Delaware Home
Don Surber: Expert Gets Biden Scandal All Wrong, also, Highlights of the News
First Street Journal: Killadelphia, also, Taylor Lorenz loves to express her opinions, but doesn’t really want other people expressing their opinions back to her
Gates Of Vienna: The Gagging of Dissent in the EU, Crisis in the Caucasus, and You Will Be Assimilated
The Geller Report: Yuma, Arizona Supervisor Warns of Total Collapse Under ‘Unprecedented’ Migrant Surge, First OANN , Now DIRECTV is Canceling NEWSMAX, and Leading FBI Official In Russia Collusion Hoax Arrested for Colluding With Russia
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, The Far Side, and But Isn’t Stove Gas Methane?
Hollywood In Toto: ‘SNL’ Still Playing Defense for Biden, How Hollywood Helped Create, and Destroy, Time’s Up, and Mike Baron Fights Back, Plans Suit Against Daily Kos (and More)
Legal Insurrection: Far Left Activists Are Still Protesting at Brett Kavanaugh’s Home, A “mania has taken over academia where every issue, including math, revolves around race and the patriarchy”, Stanford U. Student Senate Funding School’s Matt Walsh Protesters, Ukraine War Updates: Berlin Won’t Block Poland From Sending German-Made Leopard Tanks To Kyiv, and M&M’s Woke Spokescandies Melting Away in Wake of Heated Backlash
Nebraska Energy Observer: I’m going to test 
Outkick: Scott Rolen Is Only Player Elected To MLB Hall of Fame In 2023, Over 45 Million People Watched The 49ers Eliminate The Cowboys From The NFL Playoffs, Former Bronco Derek Wolfe Discusses Dinner Plans After Hunting Mountain Lion: ‘Gonna Eat That Cat’, Ezekiel Elliott Willing To Take Pay Cut To Remain With Cowboys, and Mike Tyson Sued For Alleged Rape From 1990s
Power Line: The McGonigal miasma, The Woke Purge in the Sciences, and The Daily Chart: The Decline of China
Shark Tank: DeSantis Administration Continues To Defend “Our Pro-Life Protections”
Shot In The Dark: The Gaslighting Project, Go Time, and Now Be Thankful
STUMP: Taxing Tuesday: Let’s Tax the Rich in NY! It Will Really Work This Time!
The Political Hat: Ending Woke Governance In Universities
This Ain’t Hell: Weekend mostly peaceful protests, also, Abrams MBTs to Ukraine
Transterrestrial Musings: The Domestic Terror Attacks, Crazy Idea, The Stranglehold Of Public-Employee Unions, and Rubble Piles
Victory Girls: Military Industrial Complex Unprepared For War, also, Schiff Claims National Security At Risk If Left Off Intel Committee
Volokh Conspiracy: Eleventh Circuit Becomes Second Federal Appellate Court to Strike Down Tax Mandate Condition in 2021 Covid Stimulus Bill
Watts Up With That: Record Agricultural Yields Should Allay Climate Fear, The Copper Conundrum, and Does the Oil Industry Have a Future? (Part I)
Weasel Zippers: WH: Americans “Know” Biden Has “Delivered” Higher Gas Prices, Record Inflation, Supply Shortages, Privileged Leftists Arrested In Atlanta Anti-Police Riots, DOJ Files Antitrust Lawsuit Against Google Over Its Online Ad Business, and WH: Biden’s “No Regrets” Statement “Speaks For Itself”
The Federalist: Republican Candidates For Arizona Governor And AG Appeal Election Integrity Challenges, A Day Late And $113 Billion Short, New York Times Acknowledges Ukraine As A Broken And Corrupt Nation, Trump’s Strong Poll Numbers Don’t Matter If The Managerial Elite Keep Rigging The System, and Biden Was A National Security Threat Long Before His Classified Docs Fiasco
Mark Steyn: The Setting Sun

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One Response to “In The Mailbox: 01.24.23”

  1. FMJRA 2.0: Farewell To A Master : The Other McCain
    January 29th, 2023 @ 3:23 am

    […] In The Mailbox: 01.24.23 Okrahead Proof Positive A View From The Beach 357 Magnum EBL […]
