The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Why Nick Sirianni Cried

Posted on | February 13, 2023 | 1 Comment

Many people have commented on Philadelphia Eagles Coach Nick Sirianni, who broke down in tears during the playing of “The Star-Spangled Banner” before Sunday’s Super Bowl. Some interpreted Sirianni’s tears as evidence of his heartfelt patriotism, whereas I know what he was really crying about:


Once the Super Bowl is over, we have to wait nearly seven months before there’s another football game, and even then, the early games are usually lame, especially in college football. Alabama kicks off its season Sept. 2 against Middle Tennessee State University, which isn’t a real team.

They don’t finalize the NFL schedule until spring, but in the meantime, pro football fans will have to endure weeks of blah blah blah from the pundits and commentators, with their “mock draft” scenarios and their wild speculations about possible trades and free agent signings, which is just annoying. Fans don’t want to hear a bunch of talk about football, we want to watch actual football. From September through January, there’s football every weekend — basically 20 weeks of it, including the college bowl games and the NFL playoffs. Fans develop a habit, a circadian rhythm of weekly football-watching — college games Saturday, pro games Sunday, then “Monday Night Football” and “Thursday Night Football” — and let me tell you, life is tough on Tuesday and Wednesday nights with no football to watch. You basically organize your life around watching football during the season, until January arrives and you become conscious that you’re slowly running out of games. The first week of the playoffs is all right — six wild-card games to watch — but then you get to the divisional round and there are only four games. The week after that, the conference championships — only two games! And then, finally, the Super Bowl, which is like Christmas, the Fourth of July, Mardi Gras and Halloween all rolled into one giant football holiday, as far as fans are concerned. And then, after that . . . NO MORE FOOTBALL!

So, yeah, we know why Nick Sirianni was crying. Also, perhaps, he had a premonition that Jalen Hurts would fumble for no reason at all, and give the Chiefs a free touchdown that, when all was said and done, would prove to be the decisive play of the game. Now the Eagles have to spend the next six months thinking about how close they came to getting that Super Bowl championship ring, a special kind of agony and, as Leslie Gore once sang, you’d cry, too, if it happened to you.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!




One Response to “Why Nick Sirianni Cried”

  1. Nobody’s Heroes 31 | okrahead
    February 13th, 2023 @ 9:35 pm